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On the brink of desperation - Can not stay asleep still
RE: On the brink of desperation - Can not stay asleep still
Sounds like you might have LPR reflux as well as sleep apnea.
Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) Laryngopharyngeal reflux is a condition in which acid that is made in the stomach travels up the esophagus (swallowing tube) and gets to the throat. Symptoms include sore throat and an irritated larynx (voice box).
My suggestion would be protonix which is a prescription drug that reduces stomach acid.
There is also a product called Gaviscon that can help but the version sold in the US is crap. You can buy British Gaviscon (alginic acid) on Amazon. A tablespoonful at bedtime coats your throat nicely.

I have asthma and have been woken up in the middle of the night feeling like I'm choking to death. It's scarry but not fatal.

Here's where I tell you to see a GI doc and get an upper GI scope (endoscope) done; now if I would only follow my own advice....
RE: On the brink of desperation - Can not stay asleep still
All the research points that proton pump inhibitors work very poorly for laryngeal reflux. I had a surgery for it, fundoplication.
UPDATE: On the brink of desperation - Can not stay asleep still
Hello, this is an update for original post.

I followed the advice and kept narrowing  the range of pressures and here is what i found out :
i'm originally a side sleeper, but through the night, (and video recording) i sleep on my back in many of the portions, so the original post screenshots, i believe many of them were on my side, i never checked for my position, so a pressure of 5, 6, 7 all seemed ok with no AHI because my apnea happens mostly on my back. but once i turned on my back, the pressure was not enough to keep my airway open.
So i started to increased the pressure each day, and i still woke up till i arrived sometimes i would increase the pressure in the morning because i was waking up at night with the lower setting.
it looks like even pressure 10.5 was not enough when i sleep on my back, so in creased to 11.5, and 12 and 12.5 till 13, and my body did not like that pressure, at 12.6 and 12 i was swallowing air, burping air and my cheeks were inflated(chipmunk) and was waking up so often because of that. so i can not tolerate pressures over 11 i think, i'm going to try 11.6 again tonight. 
it looks like the best solution is staying under maybe 10 and be able to sleep on my side all the time, i have been reading online about positional therapy but with my memory foam mattress it looks like tennis ball won't be enough.
Could you please update your advice with the new information ? should i increase the range of my APAP to lets say 9 to 12 ? (remember i'm sensitive to larger pressure difference range), any WORKING solution to keep me on my side ?

P.S: forgot to mention that hard horrible sleep in this week as well, with all the things waking me up.

thank you
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RE: On the brink of desperation - Can not stay asleep still
please review my update post above.

(12-30-2018, 04:11 PM)Sleeprider Wrote: Your current settings appear to be 5.4 minimum to 8.0 maximum with EPR 3. You appear to have used ramp early on but more recently it is off. You have essentially no apnea or hypopnea events current.  To avoid the sleep disturbance, I think you should consider setting fixed pressure and less EPR.  You appear to tolerate a pressure of 7.0, but often break therapy when things get above 9.0, however you seem sensitive to pressure changes of any kind.  I recommend a CPAP pressure of 7.0 and EPR at 2.  Used fixed pressure and see if that helps avoid the sleep disturbance. I don't see anything that looks like a positional apnea, so just get comfortable and sleep, then keep the disturbances from pressure change to a minimum.

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