RE: Nasty Night
I have to agree. I used to think all you needed to do was use the CPAP 100% of sleep time. Without restorative sleep CPAP, though it's best to use it, will not get you feeling better. I hope you don't have many night like that one. If I can't sleep I take a couple of benadryl. Benadryl has a long half life though and lease some folks a bit groggy in the morning. It doesn't bother me.
RE: Nasty Night
Agree on the benadryl. It is my "go to" when I can't sleep and it helps with my allergies.
RE: Nasty Night
Do some research on sleep hygiene. Some of that information relates to how to get the mind to shut up and let you sleep as well as how to better prepare to sleep.
Take a deep breath and count to zen.