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I guess I have "busy" nights and "non busy" nights as per the images. I guess this is normal. No rhyme or reason? Not influenced by alcohol / non-alcohol, food or starving, etc?
In sleepy head if I hover the cursor over the events, there is a number in brackets (shown in the images).EG Flow Limitation - sunday (4), Monday (6), Tuesday (8), Wednesday (6). RERA Mon (54), Tues (13), Wed (33). Anybody shed light on these numbers and what the significance is?
01-14-2016, 02:07 AM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2016, 02:17 AM by SaldusMiegas.)
RE: Busy and non Busy Nights AND SH numbers
Hi wishicansleep,
There are many factors that can influence events on different nights (or even different periods within the same night). A lot of people will have more events when sleeping on their back versus sleeping on their side. Sometimes events vary with other factors such as deep sleep, REM sleep, etc. The side/back sleep is an easy one if you know you are prone to do it. There are people on the forum who can help you figure out the more subtle causes if you provide a more complete snapshot of the data.
The number in the parens displayed for an event in Sleepyhead indicates the duration of an event in seconds. When you hover over an event a little box also appears on the timeline that outlines the duration of the event and it matches the number of seconds that is indicated in the parens. You can see this if you zoom in by left-clicking several times on a section of the timeline with an event you want to drill down into and then hover over the event marker (p.s. right-click to zoom back out).
(01-14-2016, 02:07 AM)SaldusMiegas Wrote: Hi wishicansleep,
The number in the parens displayed for an event in Sleepyhead indicates the duration of an event in seconds. When you hover over an event a little box also appears on the timeline that outlines the duration of the event and it matches the number of seconds that is indicated in the parens. You can see this if you zoom in by left-clicking several times on a section of the timeline with an event you want to drill down into and then hover over the event marker (p.s. right-click to zoom back out).
Saldus Miegas
Thanks - I now see what is going on. In the Events Tab it lists the events with Duration in seconds, but when I hover over the event it shows the first event duration and not the one I am hovering over.
hmm... when I hover over a single event on the timeline, the number in the parens seems to match what I see on the timeline for that particular event. I wonder if you are zoomed out and multiple events are scrunched together, making it difficult to correlate which event SH is telling you about?
If you have already explored that, then I believe what you are saying as I have not played with this feature as extensively as you may have done.
(01-14-2016, 07:37 PM)SaldusMiegas Wrote: hmm... when I hover over a single event on the timeline, the number in the parens seems to match what I see on the timeline for that particular event. I wonder if you are zoomed out and multiple events are scrunched together, making it difficult to correlate which event SH is telling you about?
If you have already explored that, then I believe what you are saying as I have not played with this feature as extensively as you may have done.
Saldus Miegas
Dear Saldus - here is a screenshot. I have had to pencil in the actual numbers that show when hovering the cursor. But know that I know the numbers are seonds that's a help. A gremlin in Sleepyhead?
how interesting. I see what you mean, my Sleepyhead does the same thing on the top line Event Flags chart.
Check out hovering over the events in the Flow Rate and other charts below, they seem to behave better. That's where I was playing around when I posted earlier. The Flow Rate chart is the one I mentioned that when you hover over an event it draws a box around the timeline representing the number of seconds reflected in the parens.
I just noticed that the Mask Pressure chart also has event flags which show the correct duration in parens but the highlight doesn't span the duration the way it does in the Flow Rate chart.
I think you might have found a bug in SH on the top line Event Flags chart.
With its few little quirks, still an awesome useful tool.