SleepyHead illiterate - please advise
When it comes to all the various readings in the SleepyHead app I'm pretty ignorant as to what they all mean. As long as my AHI is consistently between 0.2 and 2.0 is that all I really need to know?
Even if my AHI is 2.0 or less most days is there any other reading(s) that I should pay attention to? On the daily overview there are all kinds of graphs that make zero sense to me and some of the readings (Cheyne Stokes Respiration, RERA, Vibratory Snore, VS2, Pressure Pulse) I just don't understand.
Here is my statistics page info. I would appreciate any feedback.
CPAP Usage
Average Hours per Night - 06:49
Compliance - 99%
Therapy Efficiacy
AHI - 1.18
Obstructive Index - 0.51
Hypopnea Index - 0.44
Clear Airway Index - 0.22
Flow Limitation Index - 0.09
RERA Index - 0.29
% of time in Cheyne Stokes Respiration - 0.04%
Leak Statistics
Average Leak Rate - 5.58
90% Leak Rate - 19.00
% of time above Leak Rate threshold - 6.89%
Pressure Statistics
Average Pressure - 13.91
Min Pressure - 10.00
Max Pressure - 16.00
90% Pressure - 15.00
RE: SleepyHead illiterate - please advise
Hi zach,
Your profile shows a pressure of 9-13, but your statistics show that you are set at 10-16. Update your profile if that is correct. Your chart states you were at a pressure of 15 or under for 90% of the night, so your settings look to be ok.
Your AHI number is good also.
Your leak rate might be a bit high. Could be from mouth breathing. This is the first thing you may want to look at and get under control. If you leak rate is too high, then your AHI numbers may not be accurate. You could try a chin strap.
As far as not understanding the graphs, well that just takes time.
Here is a guide to help understand Sleepyhead graphs and more.
RE: SleepyHead illiterate - please advise
(10-16-2015, 08:44 AM)zach Wrote: As long as my AHI is consistently between 0.2 and 2.0 is that all I really need to know?
To add - It's not all about the number but also how you feel. If you feel great when you wake up then it really doesn't matter too much if it is <1 or a 2. Anything 5 or less is considered "treated". In time you will get to know about the graphs and things will begin to click. OpalRose's link is a great start. If you don't understand something, please ask us. We'll help.