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Sleepyhead compliancy
Sleepyhead compliancy
Hi everyone!

How is the compliant percentage calculated in sleepyhead? I was looking at the last 60 days of data... it says I missed or was below 4 hours for 13 days (ugh.. a few of them I forgot to put the card back in! doh! Unsure ).

It says my I was compliant for 70.15% for this 60 days. How is this right? Isn't 47 days 78% of 60 days? I'm confused. Huhsign

I wonder if the software my sleep doc calculates the data the same way? I'm worried because I job hunting right now for a driving job using my CDL.

Here's what I was looking at... click on attachment. :-)
RE: Sleepyhead compliancy
Hi PKSteph, First of all, WELCOME! to the forum.! I don't know the answer to your question but hang tight and someone will be able to give you answers soon. Best of luck to you on job hunting and with your CPAP therapy.
RE: Sleepyhead compliancy
(09-29-2012, 03:19 PM)PKSteph Wrote: .... a few of them I forgot to put the card back in! doh! Unsure ).

Hi PKSteph.

I have a Respironcs machine and I found that on the odd occasion I forgot to put the card in it wrote the data from the missing day to the card next time I put it in.

I have missed the 'magic' 4 hours a couple of times in the last 3 months. Twice because I had a cold and coughing and CPAP dont go well together, and a couple of times because I seem to have taken the mask off for a couple of hours in the night - and put it on again with my knowing.. Weird huh.... (Zonk suggests it is aliens doing it)

Aliens not withstanding, my sleep varies between 4.5 and 7.5 hours per night and averaging 6. The usual cause for a short night for me is that I don't go to bed early enough.... Too much to read and too few hours to do it in... Smile

Can you describe what it is that causes you to only get 'short' nights?

EDIT: I didn't comment on the attachment. I don't get how SleepyHead makes it 70% either.... I also notice that you seem to be on top of what was causing the problem because it has been fine for the last 5 weeks.
RE: Sleepyhead compliancy
don,t know about the missing data. maybe a bad file or something to do with SH.
if not mistaken most of the time they look for 70% of the nights that the machine used for more than 4 hours which you have that covered
your doctor will use Respironcis software to check compliance ...they won't be using SleepyHead
was going to suggest to unplug and plug the machine but as Moriarty aware that aliens have been busy lately Too-funny

This thread is now closed. If you have a question regarding the SleepyHead software package, please go HERE.

To download the SleepyHead software, go here:

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