RE: Sleepyhead "inf"=????
inf simply means that is not a valid value. (call it infinite if you like - but in the end it is just that: not a valid value)
Try Rebuild CPAP-Data.
(looks like problems with SH & the aisense 10 are piling up ... especially the current european firmware seems to make a lot of trouble^^)
RE: Sleepyhead "inf"=????
That fixed the problem for last week, but not for 1/6/12 months.
Thanks, though, for the info!
RE: Sleepyhead "inf"=????
(03-17-2017, 11:29 AM)Cathyann Wrote: Hi! I'm new to all this
I seem to have garbage data from last night (sleepyhead reports AHI=.39 ; Resmed summary data says 5.5 which is much closer to my recent numbers.) Additionally, the statistics page shows "inf" in place of summary numbers for last week/last 30 days/last year (that's new today.) I searched but can't find what "inf" means! Any help out there? Thanks so much-
As an aside, as a programmer I can say that the "inf" is something a program (SleepyHead in this case) can generate if some data is missing. On the Statistics tab, which shows averages, it probably happens because a number is being divided by zero. So, consider it a bug or defect in SleepyHead. There was probably some problem importing data so it can't find certain data.
Maybe you need to re-import the data? Do you have data from the last 6 months / 12 months?