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Central Apnea
RE: Central Apnea

you probably didn't see it b/c you stayed up too late playing with Rescan lol
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RE: Central Apnea
When you have an apnea event (of any type), the Resmed machine generates a pressure pulse modulation and, based on the response to the modulation, determines that your airway is blocked (obstructive apnea) or if it is not blocked (central apnea, clear airway). Basically, obstructive means you are trying to breath but there is a physical interference and central means your are not trying to breath, your brain is not sending the right signals. Of course, some people have both (mixed apnea).

In a full sleep study your brain is wired and you have sensors on your chest to see if you are physically trying to breath or not. The study can truly tell if the apnea event is obstructive or central. The ability of the Resmed machine to truly differentiate between the two apneas if very questionable. It is information, but I would not put too much focus on it.

All that said, an AHI of 1.2 is great! Since you are using the software, I can recommend that you look at the flow graphs at a very detailed time frame (in seconds) to see the magnitude of your apnea events (low to no flow). You'll also see the hypopnea events (50% decrease in average flow but not total loss) and events less than 10 seconds, the criteria the software uses for an "event." This is all good information for the detail oriented among us, but again, an AHI of 1.2 shows your xPAP therapy is efficient and I really wouldn't worry about it.
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RE: Central Apnea
(01-10-2014, 08:57 AM)me50 Wrote: apapuser

you probably didn't see it b/c you stayed up too late playing with Rescan lol

LOL Actually I was in bed by 10:15. As for the central apneas my wife is always saying I forget everything. Hate to tell her I forget to breathe as well

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Climateline setting
I have a 5Hi heated humidifier with climateline heated tube. Climate control on clinicians menu is set to patient. Patient menu is set to Auto. Temperature setting set to 82. I do not feel like I am getting enough humidity however and the water level has only gone down a fraction of an inch in two nights of use. Is this normal ? Are there better settings popularly used here ?
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RE: Central Apnea
(01-10-2014, 09:54 AM)jdireton Wrote: When you have an apnea event (of any type), the Resmed machine generates a pressure pulse modulation and, based on the response to the modulation, determines that your airway is blocked (obstructive apnea) or if it is not blocked (central apnea, clear airway). Basically, obstructive means you are trying to breath but there is a physical interference and central means your are not trying to breath, your brain is not sending the right signals. Of course, some people have both (mixed apnea).

In a full sleep study your brain is wired and you have sensors on your chest to see if you are physically trying to breath or not. The study can truly tell if the apnea event is obstructive or central. The ability of the Resmed machine to truly differentiate between the two apneas if very questionable. It is information, but I would not put too much focus on it.

All that said, an AHI of 1.2 is great! Since you are using the software, I can recommend that you look at the flow graphs at a very detailed time frame (in seconds) to see the magnitude of your apnea events (low to no flow). You'll also see the hypopnea events (50% decrease in average flow but not total loss) and events less than 10 seconds, the criteria the software uses for an "event." This is all good information for the detail oriented among us, but again, an AHI of 1.2 shows your xPAP therapy is efficient and I really wouldn't worry about it.

Thanks I was able to just as you suggested And had only 2 centrals the following night. AHI 0.5

As I stated elsewhere I am really liking this Resscan software


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