Please note:
I am not a medical pro and as far as I can tell by going back about 50 sessions, this graph does not represent a set pattern of any form, so please take my analysis as an "observation" only and for what its worth.
If you see similarities between my description of this graph and any of yours, please let us hear about it.
So I put on my oximeter at around midnight and get into bed for some reading.
1:11-I mask up and lay down.
1:21-Wake up for water
1:23-Masked up and falling asleep fast
1:36-My SpO2 levels drop slightly but stabilize. This is normal as my breathing slows down (At 10 Breaths per minute I am a naturally slow breather anyway).
I also have low level COPD but not serious enough yet to be on medication for it, which explains the lower overall saturation levels.
2:59-Wake up for washroom and raiding the fridge for snacks...There has been no Hypopnea events so far.
3:18-Mask up and immediately fall back asleep.
3:23-Oxygen level starts to sink after being stabilized between 1:36 and 3:18
3:42-Hypopnea event #1 is followed by a sharp spike up in Oxygen and it immediately drops back down (sharp spike is due to deep breathing subsequent to Hypopnea #1)
4:41-Oxygen level has continued downwards and is now almost at it lowest level. NOTE the slight increase in heart rate. This I am told is normal as the heart tries to compensate for low oxygen levels.
4:42-Boom..Hypopnea event #2. NOte the sharp spike in heart rate immediately after, followed by a sharp spike in SpO2 levels, then dropping down to its lowest.
5:11-Oxygen saturation is stabilized at its lowest however this is when it gets a little weird because for not apparent reason the SpO2 starts elevating at this point. (DO I HAVE A BAD DEVICE AND BEEN WASTING MY TIME? I must check by using another device for comparison).
NOTE that the heart rate has been lowering at a shallow rate since 4:42 when the oxygen levels were at their lowest.
5:25-Hypopnea #3 followed by a sharp spike in both the heart rate and O2 levels which drop back but then continue to rise slowly until it reaches the 'median" and levels off.
6:00-I wake up and de-mask.
When I put this observation into context, it all makes some sense except for the fact that (as I mentioned at the beginning) I cannot see a definite pattern, going back quite a few sessions.
I haven't got the foggiest idea what on god's green earth is happening here.
Any ideas?