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Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
This topic is probably a Taboo subject but I wanted to cover it as I have heard of people using to ease there sleep apnea. So I thought I would start a thread for discussion on the topic. In my own opinion you couldnt go a more destructive route. I do have some work colleges that use drugs and I thought incase anyone was thinking of taking anything like this Dont Do It!

What is ‘speed?’

Speed is the street name for a range of drugs called amphetamines - including amphetamine sulphate, Dexedrine, and dexamphetamine. Use of 4-methylamphetamine, an amphetamine that is closely related to the particularly harmful drug - methamphetamine, has recently been reported. Like cocaine, amphetamines are stimulants that people take to keep them awake and alert.

Different amphetamines differ in how powerful they are and how they are considered under the Misuse of Drugs Act. For example, recent reports of 4-methylamphetamine (being sold as Ket Phet or Phet Ket) have suggested that it may be more toxic than the classical speed, amphetamine sulphate. 4-methylamphetamine, like methamphetamine, is a Class A drug, while amphetamine sulphate is a Class B drug.

Amphetamines have been used in wars to help keep soldiers alert and they were once the main ingredient in diet pills, because they stop people feeling hungry. Some amphetamines are used in medicine, for example, Ritalin is used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Here are the key effects and risks of taking ‘speed’:
•Speed makes people feel wide awake, excited and chatty.

•People take it because it gives them the energy to do things for hours without getting tired, things like dancing, talking, and going out.
•It can though make people overactive, agitated or even acutely psychotic.
•The high is generally followed by a long slow comedown, making you feel really irritable and depressed.
•Speed puts a strain on your heart – some users have died from overdoses.

What are the effects of speed?

‘Speed’ makes users feel very up, alert and energised, but can also make them agitated and aggressive. It can also have other effects:
•Speed makes people feel wide awake, excited and chatty.
•Clubbers take it because it gives them the energy to dance for hours without getting tired.
•Amphetamines were once the main ingredient in diet pills because they stop people feeling hungry.

Speed use can lead to agitation, panics or even a psychotic episode.

What are the risks?

Taking ‘speed’ does involve risks. Here’s what it could do to you:
•Depending on how much you’ve taken, it can be difficult to relax or sleep.
•The ‘comedown’, which can last a number of days, can make users feel really lethargic and down, and you can develop difficulty concentrating and with learning.
•Speed puts a strain on your heart, so it's definitely not advisable for people with high blood pressure or a heart condition – users have died from overdoses.

•Mixing speed with anti-depressants or alcohol has been known to kill.
•Taking a lot of speed, alongside its effects on diet and sleep, can give your immune system a battering – so you could get more colds, flu and sore throats,
•Speed can lead to anxiety, depression, irritability, aggression and paranoia; as well as mental illness, even to acute psychotic episodes.
•Injecting speed is particularly dangerous. It's much easier to overdose when injecting. Speed is usually very impure, so it’s not just the amphetamine that goes in to your bloodstream.
•Injecting can also cause damage to veins and arteries, and may cause ulcers and even gangrene (that’s when bits of the body start to die).
•Viral hepatitis and HIV/AIDS infections can be spread by users sharing needles, syringes or other injecting equipment.

So just incase you have thought of this then please for your own health and safety seek medical advise, no circumstances should drive you to taking drugs, Its just not worth risking your life for.

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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
Just as a matter of interest.... I spent three weeks on total life support in lala land exactly three years ago during my stay in CRITICAL care in hospital.

One of the memories that I will take with me to my grave is that of two teens who were celebrating their prom nights and mixed some drugs and alcohol (no idea of quantities or types). The memory is that of two mothers wailing that their kids were 'good kids' and did not deserve to die. They were ushered to the "quiet room" to lament their respective fates. During the wee hours (this began late at night after prom as you can understand) the corpses of the two teens were rolled past MY bed on their way to the hospital morgue to await autopsy. One of the last and lasting memories just before I was wheeled out of Critical Care (one level ABOVE Intensive Care) to begin MY journey back to the living world after H1N1 and pneumonia. I continue to suffer and struggle to this day, three years later. I cannot imagine the stupidity of actually doing this to oneself and I refuse to take "it's a disease" or "they can't help themselves" as an excuse. It was a conscious decision to begin taking drugs... an ignorant decision. And if we were to educate our children on the ramifications from Grade 1 onwards we might, just maybe, make a dent in the statistics. We are sheep.... it's time we showed pictures and videos of those that make the big mistake. I spent several days in ICU in December this past year with a young lad who had been shot in the gut during a bungled drug buy (I believe he was the seller and had no sympathy for him). The misery that he was going through was beyond belief and words cannot describe drug withdrawal combined with recovery from removal of one's colon. I begged for days to be removed from that room - it was awful.

Anyone thinking of experimenting with ANY heavy duty drugs, IMHO, is headed down a path to hell. I, at once, feel pity and feel anger.

Thanks for the post. If you have saved only one from the misery you have done a service to your fellow man (woman).

And it needs to be said that this applies to prescribed medications as well! Unless you are terminally ill, never start using Oxycontin! I was put on it after my stay in hospital to relieve pain and it took me a year to wean myself off of it as soon as I realized that it only took a week of being medicated with it to be 'hooked' on it. It is 11 times more addictive that anything else one can ingest, including heroin and crack. Speed, by comparison, is baby food. They wanted me to go to a methadone clinic, but there is no way I was going to exchange one unwanted drug for another. It was a horrific experience and one that a doctor prescribed for me. The moral? Ask questions and be educated. Ingest nothing before looking it up on the internet if able. I was on morphine (on demand) for the entire time I was in hospital and the withdrawal was a breeze compared to this stuff. Educate. Educate. Educate. DO NOT bury your head in the sand and blindly accept what you are told. You will be much better for it.

(05-26-2012, 10:45 AM)Dreamcatcher Wrote: This topic is probably a Taboo subject but I wanted to cover it as I have heard of people using to ease there sleep apnea. So I thought I would start a thread for discussion on the topic. In my own opinion you couldnt go a more destructive route. I do have some work colleges that use drugs and I thought incase anyone was thinking of taking anything like this Dont Do It!

What is ‘speed?’

Speed is the street name for a range of drugs called amphetamines - including amphetamine sulphate, Dexedrine, and dexamphetamine. Use of 4-methylamphetamine, an amphetamine that is closely related to the particularly harmful drug - methamphetamine, has recently been reported. Like cocaine, amphetamines are stimulants that people take to keep them awake and alert.

Different amphetamines differ in how powerful they are and how they are considered under the Misuse of Drugs Act. For example, recent reports of 4-methylamphetamine (being sold as Ket Phet or Phet Ket) have suggested that it may be more toxic than the classical speed, amphetamine sulphate. 4-methylamphetamine, like methamphetamine, is a Class A drug, while amphetamine sulphate is a Class B drug.

Amphetamines have been used in wars to help keep soldiers alert and they were once the main ingredient in diet pills, because they stop people feeling hungry. Some amphetamines are used in medicine, for example, Ritalin is used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Here are the key effects and risks of taking ‘speed’:
•Speed makes people feel wide awake, excited and chatty.

•People take it because it gives them the energy to do things for hours without getting tired, things like dancing, talking, and going out.
•It can though make people overactive, agitated or even acutely psychotic.
•The high is generally followed by a long slow comedown, making you feel really irritable and depressed.
•Speed puts a strain on your heart – some users have died from overdoses.

What are the effects of speed?

‘Speed’ makes users feel very up, alert and energised, but can also make them agitated and aggressive. It can also have other effects:
•Speed makes people feel wide awake, excited and chatty.
•Clubbers take it because it gives them the energy to dance for hours without getting tired.
•Amphetamines were once the main ingredient in diet pills because they stop people feeling hungry.

Speed use can lead to agitation, panics or even a psychotic episode.

What are the risks?

Taking ‘speed’ does involve risks. Here’s what it could do to you:
•Depending on how much you’ve taken, it can be difficult to relax or sleep.
•The ‘comedown’, which can last a number of days, can make users feel really lethargic and down, and you can develop difficulty concentrating and with learning.
•Speed puts a strain on your heart, so it's definitely not advisable for people with high blood pressure or a heart condition – users have died from overdoses.

•Mixing speed with anti-depressants or alcohol has been known to kill.
•Taking a lot of speed, alongside its effects on diet and sleep, can give your immune system a battering – so you could get more colds, flu and sore throats,
•Speed can lead to anxiety, depression, irritability, aggression and paranoia; as well as mental illness, even to acute psychotic episodes.
•Injecting speed is particularly dangerous. It's much easier to overdose when injecting. Speed is usually very impure, so it’s not just the amphetamine that goes in to your bloodstream.
•Injecting can also cause damage to veins and arteries, and may cause ulcers and even gangrene (that’s when bits of the body start to die).
•Viral hepatitis and HIV/AIDS infections can be spread by users sharing needles, syringes or other injecting equipment.

So just incase you have thought of this then please for your own health and safety seek medical advise, no circumstances should drive you to taking drugs, Its just not worth risking your life for.


Educate, Advocate, Contemplate.
Herein lies personal opinion, no professional advice, which ALL are well advised to seek.

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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
One more thing while I am on my soapbox (which is always). If you are a parent and have kids (2 or 22 years old) or have kids that visit or grandkids or whatever!..... Drop $30 at Harbour Freight and buy one of their digital safes (we have several for several years now and not one has broken down). Store your medications in a safe for crying out loud.

Ditto, if you are a gun owner as we are. Store them in a safe for crying out loud with the ammunition stored elsewhere if you have kids, etc. Each and every one of our guns is stored thus and further has a trigger or action lock on it with the exception of the gun we are "working with" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink).

And teach all of your family kids the perils of drugs, meds and guns and ammo. My kids began launching rockets with me when they were 6 years old. They started shooting with me when they were 13 years old. And they are as qualified with guns and rocket engines as anyone in the land (US or Canada) and they know the rules and follow them. Still, we lock everything up including medications when not 'in use' and do not share the combination.

It's a brave new world out there and one simply does not wish to take chances or present temptations.

Nuff said. Live and learn. We have a friend whose son picked up their handgun in PA and put a hollowpoint through his hand by accident. We have friends who left their meds out and their kids started their drug habit with Rx meds. One died of a heroin overdose a few years later. The casket had to be closed as it took a few days in the summer heat to find him (they found him from the smell). The other friend's son got high while they were in Spain on holidays and watched himself and their home burn to the ground. The funeral was also closed casket. Some survived. You want to roll the dice? I do not. We even have two safes installed in the back of our SUV for transporting dangerous goods (legally).

Please. Think about it. It would be the cheapest $40 you ever spent.
Educate, Advocate, Contemplate.
Herein lies personal opinion, no professional advice, which ALL are well advised to seek.

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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
I remember reading somewhere when I was a kid that you never see an old "speed freak", because it destroys their bodies and they die.
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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)

Nice to see more newbies on the forum you will learn alot on here, so dont worry if your feeling bereft of info we've got just about the best set up you can get.


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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
Boy! oh Boy!!!
These posts should be put on the internet where everybody can read them!!!

You people certainly tell it like it is! It's just too bad that kids, and adults, could realize the effects of drugs and what they do to you before they start. maybe than they wouln't even try drugs, let alone get hooked on them.

I don't know what the world could do to banish drugs forever? It's the dealers and peer pressure that get them started. It's a natural instict to survive therefore users must have gone through a terrible struggle to even think of starting taking drugs. PEER PRESSURE!!!!

Thanks for posting and find out where you could post your opinions on a public site.

There has to be someway to stop the killing!!!!!
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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
(05-27-2012, 07:02 AM)Bompa Wrote: It's a natural instict to survive therefore users must have gone through a terrible struggle to even think of starting taking drugs. PEER PRESSURE!!!!

But what is it that makes some succumb to that peer pressure, while others don't? This is the societal issue that needs to be addressed, in my opinion, rather than this maddening "war on drugs" strategy that's been a miserable failure.

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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
(05-26-2012, 10:45 AM)Dreamcatcher Wrote: This topic is probably a Taboo subject but I wanted to cover it as I have heard of people using to ease there sleep apnea. So I thought I would start a thread for discussion on the topic. In my own opinion you couldnt go a more destructive route. I do have some work colleges that use drugs and I thought incase anyone was thinking of taking anything like this Dont Do It!

What is ‘speed?’

Speed is the street name for a range of drugs called amphetamines - including amphetamine sulphate, Dexedrine, and dexamphetamine. Use of 4-methylamphetamine, an amphetamine that is closely related to the particularly harmful drug - methamphetamine, has recently been reported. Like cocaine, amphetamines are stimulants that people take to keep them awake and alert.

Different amphetamines differ in how powerful they are and how they are considered under the Misuse of Drugs Act. For example, recent reports of 4-methylamphetamine (being sold as Ket Phet or Phet Ket) have suggested that it may be more toxic than the classical speed, amphetamine sulphate. 4-methylamphetamine, like methamphetamine, is a Class A drug, while amphetamine sulphate is a Class B drug.

Amphetamines have been used in wars to help keep soldiers alert and they were once the main ingredient in diet pills, because they stop people feeling hungry. Some amphetamines are used in medicine, for example, Ritalin is used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Here are the key effects and risks of taking ‘speed’:
•Speed makes people feel wide awake, excited and chatty.

•People take it because it gives them the energy to do things for hours without getting tired, things like dancing, talking, and going out.
•It can though make people overactive, agitated or even acutely psychotic.
•The high is generally followed by a long slow comedown, making you feel really irritable and depressed.
•Speed puts a strain on your heart – some users have died from overdoses.

What are the effects of speed?

‘Speed’ makes users feel very up, alert and energised, but can also make them agitated and aggressive. It can also have other effects:
•Speed makes people feel wide awake, excited and chatty.
•Clubbers take it because it gives them the energy to dance for hours without getting tired.
•Amphetamines were once the main ingredient in diet pills because they stop people feeling hungry.

Speed use can lead to agitation, panics or even a psychotic episode.

What are the risks?

Taking ‘speed’ does involve risks. Here’s what it could do to you:
•Depending on how much you’ve taken, it can be difficult to relax or sleep.
•The ‘comedown’, which can last a number of days, can make users feel really lethargic and down, and you can develop difficulty concentrating and with learning.
•Speed puts a strain on your heart, so it's definitely not advisable for people with high blood pressure or a heart condition – users have died from overdoses.

•Mixing speed with anti-depressants or alcohol has been known to kill.
•Taking a lot of speed, alongside its effects on diet and sleep, can give your immune system a battering – so you could get more colds, flu and sore throats,
•Speed can lead to anxiety, depression, irritability, aggression and paranoia; as well as mental illness, even to acute psychotic episodes.
•Injecting speed is particularly dangerous. It's much easier to overdose when injecting. Speed is usually very impure, so it’s not just the amphetamine that goes in to your bloodstream.
•Injecting can also cause damage to veins and arteries, and may cause ulcers and even gangrene (that’s when bits of the body start to die).
•Viral hepatitis and HIV/AIDS infections can be spread by users sharing needles, syringes or other injecting equipment.

So just incase you have thought of this then please for your own health and safety seek medical advise, no circumstances should drive you to taking drugs, Its just not worth risking your life for.


I agree with this post ,however if one has ADD so called prescribed "speed " ritalin and others can literally save a persons life before they trash it.Also trusting a dr to give u drugs unless those drugs are used to save your life or prolong it ---is complete madness,,,Big Pharma has an agenda for sure.
Just my 2 cents
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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
(05-27-2012, 07:02 AM)Bompa Wrote: Boy! oh Boy!!!
These posts should be put on the internet where everybody can read them!!!

You people certainly tell it like it is! It's just too bad that kids, and adults, could realize the effects of drugs and what they do to you before they start. maybe than they wouln't even try drugs, let alone get hooked on them.

I don't know what the world could do to banish drugs forever? It's the dealers and peer pressure that get them started. It's a natural instict to survive therefore users must have gone through a terrible struggle to even think of starting taking drugs. PEER PRESSURE!!!!

Thanks for posting and find out where you could post your opinions on a public site.

There has to be someway to stop the killing!!!!!

and what happens if u just innocently trusted a doctor who said oh take these drugs they will calm you down and ended up hooked -addiction by perscription? IUnlusee i have a broken leg or body I have serious didlie for most drs.Not everybody who does drugs is looking to get high.
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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
Personally I think the only way forward it legalisation and then we can controll what its made of. Drink is just as bad yet anyone can buy that and kill themselves with it so why not drugs? Controll is the answer and it will rid the world of the dealers Thinking-about
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