I'm a 22 year old slim male who doesn't really drink or smoke and I mostly sleep on my side. For a number of years I've had classic sleep apnoea/UARS symptoms including severe daytime fatigue and tiredness.
Having just started my first 9 to 5 full time job I've found it very challenging to get through a whole day of work because of the tiredness. My GP referred me to an ENT who subsequently requested I do a sleep study. AHI came back as 4.5 (so no sleep apnoea) and I have attached the sleep study.
I also had a Naso-endoscopy done whilst awake (not a DISE) and the ENT said I had something like a 90% airway restriction because of my tonsils when I breathe in and that was quite clearly contributing to whatever was causing the problem. My ENT then said its highly likely that I have UARS as a result of this.
As I want to at least try all non-surgical options before I opt for surgery I did some research on here and found that the ResMed AirCurve 10 VAuto is probably the best option to try for UARS in terms of PAP therapy so I managed to get my hands on a refurbished unit I imported from the US. (I live in the UK and the NHS doesn't provide CPAP/BiPAP for UARS free of charge).
I've tried using the machine whilst I've been awake quite a few times now as well as managing to have it on for only about an hour the past couple of nights. The problem seems to be it feels like I'm having to try quite hard to breathe in though my nose. I almost feel like I want to open my mouth to allow for additional airflow. This feeling of having to breathe harder than I normally do seems to be keeping me awake as well.
I've used the default settings I've seen recommended in a few posts on here to begin with: VAuto Mode, Min EPAP: 4, Max IPAP: 20, PS: 4. I've also had to set trigger and cycle to Very High or it was taking a lot of respiratory effort to get it to pick up when I changed from breathing into breathing out and vice versa. It did make it more comfortable after changing that. I've also attached the hour or so of data I managed to capture whilst I was asleep to see if that points to any obvious issues.
I'm wondering if maybe I either need to change a setting like the PS or maybe I need to just change to a full face mask so that I find it easier to breathe? Or could it just be that I need more time to acclimatise to BiPAP? Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated to help me feel comfortable enough to sleep for a longer period.