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In the UK, not sure how much to say...
RE: In the UK, not sure how much to say...
I'm a member of a couple of Facebook groups too and it's sometimes scary to see the number of misinformed (clueless) people trying to give bad advice to the members. I try to guide them here in hopes that they will get a little more education but generally they are determined they know what they're talking about. I've seen people tell other members that their lungs will explode if they set the pressure too high so it's dangerous for you to adjust your own pressure. Oh...and it's a prescription, so only a certified sleep specialist or doctor can authorize any changes.  Rolleyes

I have a basic understanding of how these things work, but would never give advice without verifying here first. There are way too many complicated variables for me to consider all issues presented. Most times it's just easier to send them here.

Which group are you referring to? Don't post the link...the name will be enough.
My get-up-and-go musta got up and went.  Cool

Download OSCAR for your sleep data.  

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