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Swollen eyes
Swollen eyes

I have had 4 sleep studies.  The first indicated I had mild sleep apnea which I questioned but had surgery on deviated septum.  2nd sleep study indicated very little change from surgery-still mild apnea and I was given the horrible CPAP machine.  I tried many masks and discovered I am a mouth breather.  I tried a chin strap.  More masks.  An oral appliance--can you say Silence of the Lambs...hated it.  Sleep study 3-- showed 200 limb movements--put on mirapex for periodic limb movement--new mask.  Used machine on and off as the results for sleep seem the same.  Began using Sleepyhead data thanks to your site.  Printed my results and brought to dr.  She realized I needed to increase pressure which was low 6 went slowly up to 12.  Still not having good results with mask or sleeping. I have no trouble falling asleep but wake up every hour for a few seconds.  I only need one episode of apnea to wake up.  Wonder if I am trying to get less apnea is impossible.  Sleep study #4, get a bipap...much easier to breath more natural at night...use whole face mask-memory foam --best, most comfortable mask for me thus far, but still not sleeping.  Took Sleepyhead data in to dr at last visit and she said it was very helpful, told her my episodes were clustered around REM sleep and that I needed more pressure.  Have moved from 4-7 to now 8-11.  I have am still waking up but to be honest, the last adjustment was just made.  However, I have two problems-one I am ripping the mask off in my sleep and not remembering or realizing I am doing it and second--I have huge swollen bottom eyelids. At first I thought it was allergies- I changed contact solution--and it could still be that but then read about periorbital edema from too much pressure....???? I suppose if it is my contact solution, I will find out soon enough.  Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I have taken awhile to get my computer, computer skills and sleepyhead data screen to appear here.....hope it worked.
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RE: Swollen eyes
If you could setup your chart like the link below shows it would help a lot. With what little the chart shows I'd guess your eyes might be getting swollen from air leaks from your mask. You have some large leaks on your chart.
Download SleepyHead
Organize your Sleepyhead Charts
Posting Charts
Beginner's Guide to SleepyHead
Mask Primer
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RE: Swollen eyes
I too get swollen eyes from a full face mask. ( my cheeks toi) I am at higher pressures 16-19. I actually gave up wearing contacts because my eyes look so bad in the morning. I am now trying a bilevel to see if it helps. I will let you know if it helps.
2010 sleep study 63 AHI
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RE: Swollen eyes
So, one of the things I would look into would be floppy eyelid syndrome, and associated issues such as blepharitus. FES only happens in apnea patients, and can cause a host of problems. Before I started my treatment, I would constantly have eye infections and swollen lids, due to the way I slept; I was a belly sleeper, and constantly rubbing my eyes into my pillow or hand, which created irritation.

Depending on how bad it is, you might want to try an eye mask, or even something harder to protect your eyes. I did that, and it has helped (though, treating the apena is the best course of treatment for FES, other than surgery)
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RE: Swollen eyes
If it is from increased pressure, it should settle back down. Some people leak from the eye itself, through the duct. I do that quite often. Wearing an eye mask may help, as long as it doesn't interfere with the mask placement.

Masks are a very personal thing and it could take many trials before you find the one that works for you. Do you use a FFM because your mouth opens in your sleep? An option there is to use nasal pillows or nasal mask along with a chin strap.

Taking off the mask in your sleep is a common thing. One option is affix the hose to your pillow. When you take off the mask, it will wake you due to noise since you can't push it away from you.

Take a deep breath and count to zen.

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RE: Swollen eyes
I also notice that right underneath both eyes, I'm always swollen in the morning. It goes down after a few hours, but it is very annoying to say the least.
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RE: Swollen eyes
I'm thinking there might be a relationship between throwing the mask off without realizing it and the swollen eyes. Is the mask on too tight and it's causing fluid to back up right above your cheek bones? Does the mask fit right on the bridge of your nose, i.e. do you have the right size mask? Is the mask putting pressure on the sinuses?

Then, there's a possibility of an interaction between the mask and your head position while sleeping. For instance, if the mask is tightish, and you tilt your head back on a pillow, does this make it tighter and make fluid back up?

More? High pressure on the machine may also be a factor, either independently, or in conjunction with these examples......

I'm of the opinion, that most everyone who's willingly compliant only throws their mask off if something has gone wrong in the getup, pressure, whatever, i.e. not "they can take this mask and shove it".

I have taken to throwing off my mask lately. I love my APAP, I sleep better when I use it, but it's enough "off" to make me throw off the mask in my sleep...
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RE: Swollen eyes
I also have a swollen eye lid but it's mostly on the side I sleep on. The swelling used to come on in the morning then settle down , was very intermittent also. Sadly my apnea is still untreated so the eyelid problem has gotten much worse. It pretty much stays swollen
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RE: Swollen eyes
(01-09-2018, 04:14 PM)Justbreath Wrote: I also have a swollen eye lid but it's mostly on the side I sleep on. The swelling used to come on in the morning then settle down , was very intermittent also. Sadly my apnea is still untreated so the eyelid problem has gotten much worse. It pretty much stays swollen

I also get this. Only on the side I am sleeping on.
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RE: Swollen eyes
Sore eyes.

Either you have air blowing into your eyes.
You have the wrong fit of mask causing this.
Your mask is far to tight causing excess pressure around the eyes/nose/cheeks area.
Or a combination of all those.   Thinking-about
I am NOT a doctor.  I try to help, but do not take what I say as medical advice.

Every journey, however large or small starts with the first step.

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