If I paid a sleep center, doctor, etc., to diagnose me and they wrote up a prescription for me I would:
1. Demand that prescription that I paid for and make myself a complete nuisance with them so that they would hand it over just to get rid of me.
or, if that didn't work,
2. Demand a complete and total refund of all fees paid to their offices, including a check make out to me for any out-of-pocket or co-pays and a check made out to the insurance company for their share of the fees.
It's not about laws with me... it's about medical professionals treating patients like they should (you know, treating them like human beings, instead of like cash cows hooked up to a checking account sucking machine).
I don't have a habit of paying dearly for medical services and then not getting what I pay for. I would become the biggest thorn in their side they have ever seen. It's about HONORING their word.... if they agree to take my money (my insurance company's money paid through my premiums, or my own out-of-pocket or co-pays) then BY GOLLY, they'd better DELIVER THE GOODS. Anything less than this is THEFT of funds.
I'd be nice, polite at first, of course. But I sure as heck wouldn't stand around and get robbed by some money-grubbing medical facility. That just ain't gonna happen. With me, it's a matter of PRINCIPAL. These idiots get away with all sorts of theft. I get stories sent to me all the time like this.
Okay, off my rant for now. Too much coffee today. I shouldn't post when my caffeine blood levels are closing in on 50%.
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