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Terrible Velcro On Philips Nuance Gel Pillow Mask Driving Me Nuts
Terrible Velcro On Philips Nuance Gel Pillow Mask Driving Me Nuts

I have been using the Philips Nuance Gel Pillow Mask for a few months now. I have tried many of the ResMed masks, and the gel pillows on the Philips mask are the most comfortable on my nose. I wasn't able to sleep with the ResMed masks at all, because they made my nose hurt, so I'm grateful for this.

However, the Velcro straps on the headgear are the flimsiest, weakest Velcro I have ever used. It takes barely any effort to remove the Velcro. The headgear comes apart numerous times when I'm asleep, causing me to wake up to fix it. It comes apart when trying to put the headgear on too, so if I go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and have to take the mask off, often it'll come apart when trying to put it back on, causing me to fumble around in the dark to fix it - sometimes I need to turn on the light to fix it. I already have pretty sensitive sleep and suffer from insomnia, so each time this happens, it makes it harder to fall asleep.

I sleep on my stomach, so I can't use anything too bulky to keep the straps adhered, as it'll dig into my face.

Are there any solutions to this problem? I could try to sew on some better Velcro, I suppose, but I was hoping for something longer lasting, maybe. Once I get a new mask, I'll need to modify it again. If there's no better option, I'm willing to do that, though. Or perhaps there are other masks out there that are similarly comfortable on the nose with better headgear?

I appreciate your help!

Thank you.
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