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Train wreck.....lol
Train wreck.....lol
So I went back for my annual sleep study. This morning after I got dressed and went to check out, the technician said this to me. "I don't normally say this but you were an absolute train wreck for those two hours, and then when we put you back on bipap you didn't move hardly at all, and definitely your sleep was more productive." Last night continues to prove I need it, and so glad I stuck with it in the beginning, nowadays when I put my mask on at bedtime it's like flicking a switch to off, because I'm off to never never land. For you newbies, stick with it, you'll be glad you did.
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RE: Train wreck.....lol
ANNUAL sleep study?!? Yikes!I'm thinking once every 5-10 years is too much!

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RE: Train wreck.....lol
2016, it's been five years, I either do the study or the insurance doesn't pay, and they pick up the tab on everything, so I can tolerate it every five
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RE: Train wreck.....lol
OK - that would be the quinquenneal sleep test. That's a lot more reasonable .... Still a pain in the butt though.

Insurance logic: We know you've been on PAP therapy for more than ten years and you doctor plainly backs up the need, the effectiveness and can document you use it. But before we buy you a $500 APAP, we need you to go for a $2,500 overnight sleep study to make sure you need the $500 APAP. Seems to me they could give one to you and give away three machines to folks that will just put them on CL and still be $500 ahead.

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RE: Train wreck.....lol
Whoops my bad. I really don't mind it at all. The place I go for my study is truly a great place with terrific staff, and really comfortable beds....lol
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RE: Train wreck.....lol
Here in OZ there is no need to go back for another sleep study but then again, insurance pays virtually nothing so I guess that evens it out.
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RE: Train wreck.....lol
(07-02-2016, 01:22 PM)OMyMyOHellYes Wrote: OK - that would be the quinquenneal sleep test. That's a lot more reasonable .... Still a pain in the butt though.

Insurance logic: We know you've been on PAP therapy for more than ten years and you doctor plainly backs up the need, the effectiveness and can document you use it. But before we buy you a $500 APAP, we need you to go for a $2,500 overnight sleep study to make sure you need the $500 APAP. Seems to me they could give one to you and give away three machines to folks that will just put them on CL and still be $500 ahead.


Oh-jeez Will never understand it. Sounds like the Federal Government, also...Dont-know
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RE: Train wreck.....lol
If the rules don't change, I will most likely need to do another study when I turn 65 and switch to Medicare plus my supplement. Good thing about it, I will get a new machine. Too-funny

Right now, I see my sleep doc every 6 months, bring in my first page from Sleepyhead, talk about how I am doing, and is there anything else going on. He calls me his poster boy for CPAP as my reports show 100% compliance for well over 6 hours a night. He is also my ENT and we have been discussing my hearing loss. Hearing aids are on hold as we are still researching which type will be best. I have about a 33% loss in my left year.

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RE: Train wreck.....lol
Doc is happy with me too, 100% compliance, my son too.
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