My respiratory rate varies pretty dramatically at night. I'm often at the limits of Sleepyhead to report. I also weAr a Biostrap, wrist pulse oximeter, which confirms rates in the low 30's periodically through the night. I also do to see a correlation to increased heart rate. During a recent night, according to the wrist device, i experienced the following rates:
Time Respiratory Rate Heart Rate
11:45PM 28 60
12:30AM 29 61
3:10AM 30 65
3:20AM 29 63
4:50AM 28 66
I've attached my latest Sleepyhead screen shots, in case you have questions. Brief explanation: I started BiPap ST therapy in Oct/Nov of last year. It was ineffective and I stopped therapy while fighting with docs and insurance to get an additional study. New doc and now CPAP, the last three months show results on CPAP. I now have my third doc and 4th sleep study scheduled tonight. I'm concerned about my respiaroty rate in additions to my concerns about being properly diagnosed and getting on the right therapy.
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.