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My Aircurve 10 vauto should be arriving tomorrow hopefully and I could do with some help with the settings.
I have attached my recent charts below. There are a couple of days missing as I forgot to put the card back when I updated Oscar on Weds.
I was doing ok on the 16 pressure initially but then had some real problems with air swallowing causing me to keep waking to burp and then giving pain in the day so I dropped down for a bit and am now working my back up again as the best sleep I have had in a long time was at 16 last week so think the higher pressures do help if I can tolerate them.
Bearing this in mind I would appreciate some guidance on what to set the pressures to and the relevant mode for the new machine and how long to try the settings for as I am sure changing them every couple of nights is not the best strategy.
And just an update on the review of my mask collection...
All of the Resmed and F&P masks were hopeless at the higher pressures. Special mention to the F&P Flexifit 431 as the worst of all. Couldn't even begin to get a seal even using my hands and I tried all 3 mask sizes.
I think there may be hope for the Respironics Dreamwear, both FFM and nasal pillow but I am wondering if I need a larger frame size as it feels tight on my head and the angle of the pillow feels wrong with the edge digging in to my nose so much it is painful. The FFM also sits wrong so a larger frame would work for both.
In the meantime I am stuck with an Amara View strapped so tight the marks linger for hours each day.
You might want to try your nasal mask again. The full face masks tend to leak the most and the nasal pillows leak the least. Your nasal mask should leak less than the full face mask. You may or may not have mouth leaks. The only way to know is to try. If you have mouth leaks, taping your mouth is the only solution that works for me and many others.
Keep in mind too that many folks keep tightening their mask more thinking this will stop leaks. Often it causes the opposite. The mask should sit just touching your face. When the air flows in the mask fills and moves closer to your face. This works well with any type of mask.
Hi csl1, just one minor piece of advice for you, I struggled greatly with dry mouth as well. Xylimelts by Oracoat have absolutely changed the game for me. I stick two in at night, and they last all night - they are a complete miracle. Best of luck!
ok, 3 nights in on settings as suggested by PL&P. Charts attached.
I think it is pretty good but there are some areas where breathing seems more erratic and I think these may be during REM sleep.
I actually slept through last night until 7.45am which is the first time I have slept so long without knowingly waking up for many years. Dry mouth is way better and leaks almost non-existent. Haven't done any oximetry yet but will do soon. So far am very impressed with the Aircurve 10 vauto but any suggested tweaks welcome.