My father was diagnosed with osa 16 years ago.
His AHI was 51 at that time. Most of them were obstructive and no centrals.
For different reasons he had to go through a sleep study this year but couldn't because of the coronavirus stuff.
He has been using a Remstar CPAP machine which was set at 7,5 . No idea about the AHI level he has been having till very recently but he continues falling asleep everytime and everywhere...
We asked the doctor and he recommended to go through this sleep study and to increase the pressure to 9 in the meantime.
We changed from the CPAP to the Autoset, so we started setting up the pressure from 8 to 12.
First nights there was a lot of mouth/mask leakage and the AHIs readings were around 20, 25...
He slept last night with a chin strap and the AHI was better (about 10) but told me it was very unconfortable. So this night he is going to try to tape his mouth and see what happens.
I assume we will have to make trials with different chin straps, soft cervical collars and so on in order to bring this AHI down.
But I'm most of all concerned about the centrals should we go lower with the maximum pressure just in case?
The central apneas events do look like real centrals, right?
Last night there was little leakage and still a lot of centrals and hipopneas.
If we reduce the maximum pressure to, say, 10 then the AHI will go higher because he spent most of the night at a pressure of 12
Could you please give me advice on what should we do next?
Many thanks in advance,