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Machine: Respironics BiPAP autoSV Advanced Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: F&P Simplus Humidifier: Respironics System One CPAP Pressure: EPAP min 10.0, EPAP max 12.0 CPAP Software: SleepyHead
Jan is now 5 days on BiPAP AND Sleepyhead and I'm trying to understand the data from Sleepyhead.
Her AHI is doing very well with her current setup. However I'm trying to understand the data, so I can help her better.
Last night's AHI was 1.79 ... which is about the average so far. Great!
However, last night she spent about 45 minutes in "snore mode" "... longer than usual. However, different from previous "snore" periods, most of the graphs spiked apparently in response to the "snore". Since I watch the leak rate closely ... I noticed that it had spiked quite a bit (64) for almost 20 minutes solid. Pretty unusual.
The question is: why did most everything spike in response to the snore and in particular the amount of leak?
Over analyzing a small sample can often lead you astray. If a correlation had to be make between snoring and mask leakage, it would be hard to make a case for snoring causing leaks but easy to make one for leaks causing snoring. Leaks have even been know to make sounds like snoring and possibly fool the software into scoring it improperly.
i suggest addressing the leak problem and ignoring the snoring data until you get a larger sampling to judge from. You're doing a great job by watching the data closely.
Machine: Philips Respironics RemStar Auto with A-Flex (560P) Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: P/R Nuance & Pap Cap Humidifier: Integrated CPAP Pressure: Auto CPAP Software: SleepyHead
09-03-2014, 04:00 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2014, 04:02 PM by Terry.)
RE: Snore/Spiking graph data/Sleepyhead
(09-03-2014, 02:49 PM)johnprz Wrote: However, last night she spent about 45 minutes in "snore mode" "... longer than usual. However, different from previous "snore" periods, most of the graphs spiked apparently in response to the "snore". Since I watch the leak rate closely ... I noticed that it had spiked quite a bit (64) for almost 20 minutes solid. Pretty unusual.
If the leak is big enough, the machine can't maintain enough pressure to stop the snoring.
If you can take care of the leak, the rest will probably take care of itself (assuming the pressure settings are correct).
Once the leak is gone, if everything else doesn't quiet down, you might need to get the pressures changed.