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Trying New Masks
Trying New Masks
I'm working on getting Tricare to pay for my CPAP kit, but as any of you retired military folks know, finding someone that takes Tricare has gotten somewhat problematic these days. In the meantime, I am trying new masks on my own dime through Supplier #1 and return insurance.

I currently have the Mirage Quattro full face mask. Seems to fit well enough, but to keep the leaks down at the pressures I'm using (10-16), it needs to be snug. That results in some discomfort after removing the mask.

So I ordered a set of Swift FX nasal pillows. I thought I was a mouth breather, but now that I'm on CPAP, I don't snore and don't seem to mouth breath. So, I'm hoping the nasal pillows will work and be more comfortable.

Any thoughts are welcome.

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RE: Trying New Masks
(03-04-2012, 11:55 AM)tomhole Wrote: I'm working on getting Tricare to pay for my CPAP kit, but as any of you retired military folks know, finding someone that takes Tricare has gotten somewhat problematic these days. In the meantime, I am trying new masks on my own dime through Supplier #1 and return insurance.

I currently have the Mirage Quattro full face mask. Seems to fit well enough, but to keep the leaks down at the pressures I'm using (10-16), it needs to be snug. That results in some discomfort after removing the mask.

So I ordered a set of Swift FX nasal pillows. I thought I was a mouth breather, but now that I'm on CPAP, I don't snore and don't seem to mouth breath. So, I'm hoping the nasal pillows will work and be more comfortable.

Any thoughts are welcome.


at my location i have no problem finding tricare doctors or dme's. matter of fact you can call or go to your regional tri-care office to find out what dme's are available to you. pm me your city and i'll check the couple i know to see how far their offices are from you.
First Diagnosed July 1990

MSgt (E-7) USAF (Medic)
Retired 1968-1990
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RE: Trying New Masks
(03-04-2012, 12:11 PM)greatunclebill Wrote:
(03-04-2012, 11:55 AM)tomhole Wrote: I'm working on getting Tricare to pay for my CPAP kit, but as any of you retired military folks know, finding someone that takes Tricare has gotten somewhat problematic these days. In the meantime, I am trying new masks on my own dime through Supplier #1 and return insurance.

I currently have the Mirage Quattro full face mask. Seems to fit well enough, but to keep the leaks down at the pressures I'm using (10-16), it needs to be snug. That results in some discomfort after removing the mask.

So I ordered a set of Swift FX nasal pillows. I thought I was a mouth breather, but now that I'm on CPAP, I don't snore and don't seem to mouth breath. So, I'm hoping the nasal pillows will work and be more comfortable.

Any thoughts are welcome.


at my location i have no problem finding tricare doctors or dme's. matter of fact you can call or go to your regional tri-care office to find out what dme's are available to you. pm me your city and i'll check the couple i know to see how far their offices are from you.

Cincinnati, OH

But I haven't found a sleep doc yet and I do not have a diagnosis of apnea. Been too busy to call Tricare mostly because I hate them.

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If you are old enough to retire on Social Security, you will LOVE Tricare. With Tricare for Life, that you get at age 65, you don't have to purchase supplemental insurance to go along with Medicare.
Savings of at least another $100.00 or more a month!

Medicare pays 80% of my BiPap bill and Tricare pays the remaining 20%.

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RE: Trying New Masks
Go to: [edit by Admin: this site is now a DME - (go to Supplier #25 in the Supplier List).

For $14 Shipping ($7 Each way), you can try any mask he has available.
Using the ResMed Mirage SoftGel Nasal Mask with a chinstrap

I do not use either the Ramp nor the EPR Comfort features

Have been on CPAP since December 1998

This is my 3rd machine

I use the ResMed ResScan Software (Version 3.16)
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RE: Trying New Masks
(03-04-2012, 12:26 PM)Steven Wrote: Go to:

For $14 Shipping ($7 Each way), you can try any mask he has available.

Sweet. Just signed up.
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RE: Trying New Masks
tomhole...Your Quattro ffm is top of the line as far as I am concerned. i have one that I use on occasion. I, normally, am a Swift LT pillows user.

Something to ponder if the FX don;t seem comfortable enough..
Don,t know how your set up is going to be, but the ResMed Swift LT, CAN be snapped to top strap, so that it will go straight up over your head. My tube comes in over the headboard, over my head. Can't stand the idea of something laying across my body or down under the sheets. The Swift LT also has a rotateable barrel (where the pillows attach) that makes for a great adjustment to alter the angle that the pillows enter your nose.
Yesterday is history; Tomorrow is a mystery; Today is a gift; Thats why its called "The Present".  
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RE: Tricare
(03-04-2012, 12:26 PM)sailor4you Wrote: Tom,

If you are old enough to retire on Social Security, you will LOVE Tricare. With Tricare for Life, that you get at age 65, you don't have to purchase supplemental insurance to go along with Medicare.
Savings of at least another $100.00 or more a month!

Medicare pays 80% of my BiPap bill and Tricare pays the remaining 20%.

I guess I shouldn't complain. The price is right, I guess. But finding a head doc for my teenage daughter has proven much more difficult than flying combat missions in Iraq. Shouldn't take 3 months to get regular help. So we spend a lot of time in the ER. And pay for a lot of stuff out of our own pocket. And being in Cincinnati doesn't help. Wright Patterson is nearby but not nearby enough (1+15 drive). I'm funding this CPAP adventure with my medical savings account, so at least I get a tax break for it. I'll submit a claim to Tricare and see what they say, but I'm not holding my breath (thankfully).

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RE: Trying New Masks
my current dme:
they are nationwide. this is your closest branch.
american homepatient
4826 Business Center Way
Cincinnati OH 45246

they don't advertise, but for paying out of pocket they do have access to used equipment at discount price. all used or exchanged items nationwide go to a central location. all branches can use it.

your closest tricare service center is at
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Medical Center (88th Medical Group)
4881 Sugar Maple Drive
Dayton, OH,
(937) 522-2778

you can also use the locator tools to find any/all family practice doc or any/all specialists and network medical facilities within any amount of miles from any location. start here: http://www.tricare.mil/ pm me if you need help.

once you get used to doing it, tricare is easy to navigate and use.

to the person that mentioned tricare for life i'm 62.5 and can't wait til 65 to get into it.
First Diagnosed July 1990

MSgt (E-7) USAF (Medic)
Retired 1968-1990
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RE: Trying New Masks

Don't know if you received the latest Tricare newsletter. Gives some information on dependant care as well. Tried sending a link to the newsletter, but site wouldn't allow it. Try googleing Tricare.

Hope everything works well for you in Ohio. Thank you for your military service!

GySgt Bill Corder
USMC (Ret)


Is there someplace to go to be able to see all the differant type masks available? Since the machine is only one part of the system, seems that the part that actually attaches to ones head would be a great topic to explore.

When I first started using my machine, I had to depend on what the sleep study people recommended. I about flipped when the equipment provider came to my home with a differant mask than what the sleep study recommended. Turns out the provider had the better mask for me. But I didn't know at the time.

My son also has sleep apnea. While visiting him, I found out he was using a nasel mask. At the time I didn't know such a thing existed. He had an extra nasel mask, so I tried it for a few days. Found out that my pressure was to high to use the nasel mask after a couple of days. Nostrils started hurting and slightly bleeding. Seems nasel masks are for under 15 rating.

Any way, I know there are LOTS of differant styles of masks available. People always state to keep trying until one that works for you is found. Where does one look? Are there any other styles available? My Full face mask, Fisher & Paykel Flexifit 431, has a lip on the bottom of the silicone that fits under my chin. This style seems to keep the mask in place better than the styles that only fit between the lower lip and chin.

Anyone else have a style they prefer?
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