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I have lots of data on my other SD card (last couple of years).
I put a new card in to avoid data overload and will attach screenshots from Oscar.
I have used ResMed 10 for about 3 years. Initially it did not work well at all.
At that time someone here suggested a soft c-collar and that worked!
My AHI's were around 5 or a little higher.
These days I get a lot of 8's
All my friends get 0.5 or no more than 1
I want to try some settings that will let me get below 5 consistently.
My doctor is happy with my overall average but I am not. The rare times i get below 5 I feel great and honestly I am a not as energized when it is higher.
Any suggestions appreciated.
One more things.. I use a f20 face mask medium. My provided says I am a medium. It feels too big for me but they insist I am medium.
As an experiment I just ordered a small to test - just to convince myself my mask is the right size.
I THINK I get better AHI on my side than on my back -not sure if that fact helps or not.
As always thank you and I hope the attached screenshots are proper.
I was so impressed with a full face mask that I bought one. I've never been able to wear a full face mask. Claustrophobia.
F&P Evora Full. It's really well made. And then the fun began. After a long trial I'm not wearing it anymore. I have leakage issues. If it works for you it's an amazing mask.
Towards the end I had help from my DME Supplier, even though I bought it elsewhere. That's amazing service. Setup by them it worked for me some of the time.
She said that it is their preferred mask. The ResMed f3- something she described as fragile. I may try it...
Hope others chime in with good information.
Here's my thread...I tried to make it work.
Otherwise I'm using a ResMed N20 with a soft curvical collar, and tape on my lips. And a soft, low pillow.
I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea.
I’m Tralee you have a collar BUT you have mainly positional apnea which the collar should help. You either have the wrong size or adjusted wrong. The height of the collar is the distance from your chin to your sternum