I have been using a CPAP for about 6 months now. My only real issue that affects me is sleep onset apneas (Transitional sleep apnea). I know many people say they are nothing to worry about, and about 2/3 of the times I get to sleep and not an issue.
1/3 of the nights, I constantly wake up immediately after drifting to sleep from lack of O2. I wear a recording oximeter as well.
I could really use some advice - haven't had much luck with Drs on this issue. During my sleep lab this didn't happen. I try to roll over and just go to sleep again but it takes a lot out of me to jolt awake like this multiple times. Should I raise the min pressure?
Thank you so much for anyone willing to help. On nights like these - I really struggle the next day with daily activities - and I have two kids under 4 - luckily I have an amazing wife.
Here's a graph of my initial trial at sleep last night. My average AHI has been 1.5 or so but not good the last week. You'll see the Flow Rate issues - where I basically stop breathing for a few mins:
First 15mins
Whole night