As I promised, in this post, I will present to you the Weinmann / Löwenstein prismaTS software, which is a custom made software by Weinmann / Löwenstein for monitoring the results of patients treating their OSA problems using APAP / CPAP Weinmann / Löwenstein equipment (prisma 20A etc).
The installation of this software requires a PC with Intel Pentium Core 2 Duos (mine is @ 3.00GHz) equipped with 4GBs or RAM (mine's got 8) and a screen resolution of 1024x768 (mine's 1280x1024). Also some space free on your hard drive, and we're ready to go. The installation has 2 selections: Typical (prismaTS) and Full (prismaTSlab).
prismaTSlab is a full suite containning all the necessary database management system for controlling and monitoring a series of Weinmann / Löwenstein CPAP (and other) equipment, mainly addressed to night sleep study clinics, which of course is not our case. It is capable to monitor and adjust all these equipment via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or even Ethernet connections.
prismaTS is the software designed for the evaluation of the therapy progresss of each patient, by reading its SD card and representing all this recorded data into graphs and summaries, allowing doctors to perform this evaluation, and make all the necessary arrangements for each patient's therapy. As you will see in this post it is very easy to use and yet it contains and analyzes data (in easy to read reports - summaries, as well as in in-depth analysis - understandable by doctors and expert users, like many in guys in this forum) so as to monitor the therapy followed by the patient for each period of time that is loaded, or selected (since each SD read is also stored in the database of prismaTS per patient, since it can acomodate a whole list of them).
After installation of prismaTS is complete (through a Next> series of steps) a new icon appears on the desktop screen of our PC: prismaTS. All you have to do is double-click on it and...
At this point the user can either enter the data of a new patient (step need for the 1st time) or select from a list of currently stored patients (in case of a clinic or a seller of Weinmann / Löwenstein seller offering the after sales customer support services - required for printing the results of each patient before each session with his/her doctor).
After this selection is done, then the next thing that happens is the new "page" opening automatically, leading to an overall "idea" of the patient's compliance to the therapy scheme assigned / followed.
Through this easy to read page one can see the compliance of the therapy, the quality of the therapy analyzed in terms of: AHI, oAHI, cAI, cAHI, duration of periodic breathing, snoring and P90. Finally, unintentional leakage is shown too. All this data is well organized and presented in numbers as well as in easy-to-read pie-charts. Also, one can see the settings used for this period on the CPAP/APAP machine, and there's a field in which the doctor can add some comments in terms of "Findinings". This page can be saved, used to form a report and export.
By clicking on the 2nd button (on tor right of this screen) follows the next page:
Here one can see all the previous data, in a day-by-day analysis, through some bar-graphs and pie-charts. This page can be printed.
By clicking on the 3rd button found on the top-right side of this screen, follows the next screen. From this screen things are shown in detail, expressed in graphs.
The standard screen shows in (an 8 hour basis) analysis of each day of sleep being recorded for the following parameters: Pressure, Respiration flow, Obstructive AHI, Central AHI, Snoring / RERA, Obstruction, rMV, Uninher. leak and humidifier level. As the user is passing the mouse over the graphs, the values recorded for each one of the above mention parameters is shown (besides the green line).
Now if some more detail is needed, no problem!...
A 4 hours analysis is available too, always showing each measured value at the same time. Maybe this is not detailed enough. No problem...
Here's a 10 minutes analysis for the whole night, always with the detailed values available, riight next to the green line. This goes down to a...
All the "steps" available for this graph analysis are: Therapy time, 1 sec., 10 sec., 30 sec, 1 min., 2 min., 3 min., 5 min., 10 min., 20 min., 30 min., 1 h., 2 h., 4 h., 6 h., 8 h., 12 h., 24 h. Simply: Amazing!!!... isn't it?...
I think it's extremelly informative and it can give the expert user - doctor, all the information needed to analyze and understand every single event during this data recording.
What really impressed me, apart from the ease of use of this software is the way it "handles" data and it presents it to the user: easy to understand charts (bars and pies), easy to read summaries with understandable values - for the patient / non-expert user. Aslo, extremelly detailed information for the expert.
Last but not least: I mentioned that there is a measurement called "Respiration Flow" which records the actual respirations during the period examined. I think this kind of data must be highly appreciated and must be a tool needed for sleep study doctors. The fact that it is recorded - and therefore available - shows in my opinion the height of the quality of the CPAP machines made by Weinmann / Löwenstein, plus the fact that they're built not only for patients at home but also for medical use.
My only complaint is that this software is not easily available for the end-user / patient. In my opinion the therapy through the use of CPAP equipment should be an interractive situation, in which the patient should be really "involved". A patient will never be a doctor. But a patient that is able to monitor - and have explained the progress of its therapy through time - will be a much more "willing" to co-operate with this "heavy duty" therapy: the CPAP therapy.
If permitted to do so, I would strongly suggest to Weinmann / Löwenstein to let this software be available to all of us: the patients using their CPAPs. There's no better patient, than the well informed and "involved" with his therapy scheme and progress patient.
Finally, I hope this presentation will give the chance to all the expert members of this great forum to share their comments based on their highly appreciated experience.