I note a large area devoid of much on the right lung (left on screenshot view) from my CT results.
Sorry, I'll stop endlessly posting crap now. Last one, I promise.
If the NHS wasn't so BAD in all respects, I wouldn't be forced to clammer for help and advice on here, or pay for private CT scans, equipment, specialists etc out of my own pocket.
My GP, I know full well, will not have any proper answers, nor be interested in referring me to a pulmnologist or a sleep study with o2 monitoring etc. Especially if basic PEF/FEV1 comes back ok.
P.S. I will just add, the area devoid of space is the exact area I wake up with pain in the morning, and after short walks.
The same area I had searing pain for years (much worse than what I currently experience) after resistance training in the gym, when doing a pulling motion with weights I felt immediate middle right back pain and secondary nerve pain that radiated down my right arm, fingers, right neck etc. At the time I had imaging on my thoracic, cervical and back area and nothing was found. Absolutely bloody nothing.
As a side, I used to get very dizzy and breathless doing resistance training. I had to take deep breaths to avoid passing out. I used to wonder why. I would feel light headed and stupid for many hours after a session.
I have suspected the lingering back pain was postural, but interesting it hurts after sleep and walking and correlates to the area in the scan.
I was in such crazy pain there for years afterwards, and anything I do now involving lifting, or just walking, increases the pain there.
Very interesting.