I'm sorry for the bad news but unless you have COPD that's a huge issue and most likely damaging your body quickly. If your pulse ox is accurate, you qualify for nocturnal oxygen ASAP from what I see. An average of 88% seems very low (under 93% can be a sign of congestive heart failure) and those drops might be enough to cause a heart attack. Drops under 80% can cause brain disfunction. If you have COPD the ranges are different so talk with your doctor.
This is probably low enough that your oxygen will be swinging during the day as well. You might want to monitor that some too, but I'd talk with your doctor on Monday. Let's see what others think...maybe I'm just oxygen-privileged
I'm not an expert but it looks like your CPAP graph/numbers may be misleading and there may be a good bit more tuning you should do. You could use a collar or tuck something under your chin and only sleep on your side in the meantime and see if it helps - my oxygen plummets on my back and even on my stomach. Spend some time relaxing in bed and see what it does. One of the experienced folks here probably will say increase your pressures since it maxxed out quite a bit, and use EPR, but I'll leave the details to others.
Also in the meantime, consider setting any alarms the pulseox comes with to 84% and see if you can tolerate it waking you up. If you sleep through, you'll have to set it higher, and ideally the alarm should be 86-88 but that will disrupt your sleep a lot more. Every time you feel it buzz, don't panic, just breathe fully and evenly, change position and go back to sleep.
Be careful getting up at night also with those oxygen levels. You may want to sit on the side of the bed for a bit before standing.