02-04-2016, 11:22 AM
cpap erases nasal congestion and cough
I've been using a cpap machine since 2007 and I have just noticed something I find very weird. I currently have a very bad chest cold with lots of stuffiness and coughing
and sneezing.
(First cold in 9 years).
As soon as I put on my cpap mask, my symptoms go away completely. No more stuffed nose and no mòre coughing. But in the morning when I remove the mask, all the symptoms are back at full strength.
Maybe it's because of the constant air flow keeping the airway open so the mucas doesn't have a chance to build up.
I don't know about you but I find this very interesting.
RE: cpap erases nasal congestion and cough
I use nasal pillows and have the same results. No matter how congested, the pressure clears it up for the night. Nice advantage, huh?
RE: cpap erases nasal congestion and cough
Agree, the nasal pillows are great when you are congested. It makes for a better nights sleep.
And welcome to Apnea Board ran-man.
RE: cpap erases nasal congestion and cough
I get the same effect. It's a really nice fringe benefit because I have a 2-year-old and thus am sick about once every 2-3 months. I find that my colds often don't progress into more troublesome sinus or chest infections either, which is awesome.
It makes sense if you think about it - the pressure is probably pushing sinus mucus out of the way and allowing airflow, so you can breathe better, and the warm, humid air is probably soothing to your sore throat and respiratory system.
Yay xPAP!
RE: cpap erases nasal congestion and cough
Pressure and humidity.
Take a deep breath and count to zen.
RE: cpap erases nasal congestion and cough
+1 on humidity, I got this tip from my CPAP seller - to up my 'normal' humidity levels by 1-2 notches whilst I have chest\congestion. Helps it lift\clear faster than normal, gives a better night sleep when congested - and yes, presumably as it soothes raw airways etc.
RE: cpap erases nasal congestion and cough
Hi ran-man,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
It’s great to hear that CPAP is helping you with your cold.
Much success to you as you continue your CPAP therapy.
RE: cpap erases nasal congestion and cough
I've had chronic congestion for decades, as well as a persistent cough from taking Lisinopril. I've found that being on the hose has reduced both of them at night - and to some extent even during the day. Nice side effect, for sure!