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Machine: ResMed Air Curve 10 VAuto Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: Resmed Humidifier: built in humidifier CPAP Pressure: 7.4-15 CPAP Software: OSCAR
10-30-2022, 06:39 AM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2022, 06:41 AM by Uzupan.)
flow rate vs head gear
Since I last posted I have tried different pressures, a different pillow and of course still sleeping on my side and the flow rate is still up. So, I am guessing with my side sleep and using the Phillips dreamwear headgear, it must be compressing the one side and the other side just wont compensate for it.
The reason why I use this headgear is I don't want to get tangled up with the hose when I turn at night and for me the nasal cushion is the most comfortable to use. I have tried nasal pillows and they hurt and leak bad,and I don't like a face or nose mask..
So I guess unless someone has a better idea I will just live with what I have. I had to buy my CPAP machine outright because my insurance will be changing and I have only had this airsense 11 since September. I got a good deal I think from my provider $795. But I will have to purchase my supplies out of pocket for this coming year.
I use an F30i which has a similar hose set up on the top of the head. On my mask the air-filled sides can be wrapped in a Polartec strap cover. I did this originally because it is comfy and it does a nice job of minimizing strap lines on a full-face mask, but it also cushions the rubber that runs inside and may keep it from collapsing on you. (Available from the supplier list and Amazon)
Machine: ResMed Air Curve 10 VAuto Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: Resmed Humidifier: built in humidifier CPAP Pressure: 7.4-15 CPAP Software: OSCAR