(03-30-2014, 10:19 PM)roym Wrote: Thanks for the link on how to view data on resmed. That was so helpful.
This is what my data shows
days used 17/30
days >4hrs 6/30
Avg usage 3.8hrs
Pressure 11
Leak 9.6L/min
AHI 0.4
Total AI 0.1
Run Hrs 350.3
I am most confused about Leak 9.6L/min. Is that bad or how to interpret it. Rest seem good except I do need to get my Hrs up.
Do people first test mask is good (where you get the smiley face) as soon as mask is put on (before going to sleep). Or do you just do it by feeling air not leaking.
Your leaks are good. An effective way is to put on the mask, turn on the machine, and test leaks (until you so accustomed to the mask that testing isn't necessary). If the test doesn't last long enough (e.g., you are fiddling with it until the machine goes to therapy) you may need to either recycle the machine or just turn off EPR - most/many of us disabled EPR anyway.
You are correct that you need more hours.
What is interfering with your wearing the mask 100% of the time?
Since you can wear a nasal mask, you can likely also use a nasal pillow mask -- which are typically the MOST comfortable for people who can:
1) Breath through their nose
2) Keep their mouth shut (with or without using a strap)
Try to commit to wearing the mask 100% of the time you are (trying to) sleep.
We'll help you work out the issues that are discouraging you from doing this already.....
Do you have a "compliance" threshold from the insurance company that will help motivate you to get in more days over > 4 hours? (Most people need 21/30 days in a single 30 day period to convince the insurance to let them keep the machine.)