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New poster here looking for help on what to make of my OSCAR data. I've been lurking the forums and learning a lot, though I am still pretty lost on how I can use this data and optimize my sleep performance.
I've been using my CPAP for about a week now and my nightly AHIs have ranged between 4 to 12. I feel a noticeable difference on a couple of days where I wake up feeling weel rested while on CPAP therapy. However most days feel the same as before I started using the CPAP.
I've noticed most of my events logged on OSCAR are due to Clear Airways (CA) and Hypopneas (H). I'm looking to try to reduce these events if anyone has any ideas on what I should try.
Attached are my graphs from past few nights (sans last night.) Looking forward to any assistance.
You have two things going on, Some positional apnea as indicated by clusters of obstructive events which you may be able to manage via pillow modification, think 2 vs 1 pillow and flatter, less firm to minimize your tendency to tuck your chin.
The other is your hypopneas and Flow Limits are a bit high so set
Min Pressure = 7 and
EPR=3, Fulltime.
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter
Thank you for the quick reply, I greatly appreciate it. I will work on the chin tucking issue and I am making those CPAP changes now. I'll post an update tomorrow.
Adding graphs for the past two nights (2/18 & 2/19) using the updated Min Pressure and EPR CPAP settings.
I still think I may be chin tucking? I'm finding it difficult to catch myself doing this throughout the night, so I've ordered a cervical collar off Amazon which I should be receiving today. Going to give that a try.
Also on the hypopneas, I'm not sure what to look at, but I am seeing 25 and 26 events in the last two nights.
These past three nights I started using a soft cervical collar to see if it was to any benefit. I did notice my Clear Airways apneas were reduced while my Obstructive Apneas increased. I think I read somewhere that this is normal and expected? I can't remember.
Since I have reached my attachment size quota, I'll be posting links to imgur of my OSCAR graphs.