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Power Outage During CPAP
Slept through the whole thing.
Fedman, Gideon, HL649, Homerec130, SarcasticDave94, Sheepish
6 23.08%
It woke me but I went back to sleep with mask still on.
0 0%
It woke me and I took off my mask to continue sleeping.
baconjurer, chill, DanGagner, S.L. Ping Beauty, SaldusMiegas
5 19.23%
It woke me and I waited for the the power to come back on to resume CPAP sleep.
halokittie, LarryRapp, MitchS, OpalRose, PollCat, regnee, Sleeprider
7 26.92%
It woke me and I couldn't get back to sleep even when the power came back on.
1 3.85%
I have a UPS/battery system, so power outages are not a problem.
jhuckabyjr, Marillion, mikeh99, OMyMyOHellYes, Sleepster, sonicboom, The Rog
7 26.92%
Total: 26 vote(s) 100%

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