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ResScan - first 13 days missing FLOW data - Printable Version

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ResScan - first 13 days missing FLOW data - jcarerra - 06-20-2014

I just noticed that the first 13 days are missing FLOW data in the Detailed tab--but IS there beginning 12 Jun. My mind is telling me that I saw it there before, but I won't bet my life on it. It is not even listed in the 'Graphing options' when that is opened--not even there to put a check by.

Was it never there? Why? Why on 12 June does it suddenly start appearing?
Did I do something that could have erased just that parameter on the first 13 days?

Can I get it back?

Corollary...when I 'download' data from the card each morning, I select "Overwrite" when asked (saw some thread that said you have to do that), and on exit, to save changes. Could that have done it somehow?

RE: ResScan - first 13 days missing FLOW data - diamaunt - 06-20-2014

the machines store 7 days of flow data, if you overwrite your data on the computer with what's on the card, as opposed to adding to it, you'll wipe out anything older than a week old.

RE: ResScan - first 13 days missing FLOW data - jcarerra - 06-20-2014

(06-20-2014, 05:01 PM)diamaunt Wrote: the machines store 7 days of flow data, if you overwrite your data on the computer with what's on the card, as opposed to adding to it, you'll wipe out anything older than a week old.

Well, phoo!

So what are the steps with ResScan to not lose that data? In other words, how do I insert a new days data with the download process? Should I just not click the overwrite request?

I have an online backup that saves versions up to 30 days, so I may be able to get the files back, but how to merge them into a set that ResScan will use is another matter.

RE: ResScan - first 13 days missing FLOW data - zonk - 06-20-2014

(06-20-2014, 09:00 PM)jcarerra Wrote: Should I just not click the overwrite request?
I click on 'discard' Coffee
The SD stores up to 365 days of therapy data , 30 days of detailed data and 7 days of flow data
If flow data is important, download at least once a week

SleepyHead is more user friendly, you just import the data (no overwrite or discard options and data saved automatically)

RE: ResScan - first 13 days missing FLOW data - jcarerra - 06-20-2014

I got the *.rlk files from my online backup, and on opening ResScan, the flow data is back! The files with the flow data were about 13-16M. Without flow, size is in the 2-3M range.

But I am confused on your process. What I want to do is, each day, to move the SD card from the CPAP to my laptop and ADD last night's (or two nights or whatever is new) data off the card into the ResScan repository held in the laptop.

I Open Patient and select me.
It loads the existing data for me on the laptop into ResScan.
I click 'download'
In the "download data" dialog that appears, what selections do I make that will command the program to pull only that data not already in the program from the SD card?

As we have seen, telling it all available data, start, and overwrite causes the days where flow has been erased to now be drawn into the laptop--overwriting the files that DID have the flow data in them.

RE: ResScan - first 13 days missing FLOW data - becker44a - 06-21-2014

(06-20-2014, 10:09 PM)jcarerra Wrote: I got the *.rlk files from my online backup, and on opening ResScan, the flow data is back! The files with the flow data were about 13-16M. Without flow, size is in the 2-3M range.

But I am confused on your process. What I want to do is, each day, to move the SD card from the CPAP to my laptop and ADD last night's (or two nights or whatever is new) data off the card into the ResScan repository held in the laptop.

I Open Patient and select me.
It loads the existing data for me on the laptop into ResScan.
I click 'download'
In the "download data" dialog that appears, what selections do I make that will command the program to pull only that data not already in the program from the SD card?

As we have seen, telling it all available data, start, and overwrite causes the days where flow has been erased to now be drawn into the laptop--overwriting the files that DID have the flow data in them.

Hi jcarerra,
Here is the process I use:
1) When I wake up, power off the S9 Autoset
2) Remove the SD card from the S9, and lock the card
3) Insert the card in my laptop's card reader
4) Open Windows Explorer to view the files on the SD card. Note here that I run WinExplorer with settings that display ALL files and folders - including System and Hidden items. I type Ctrl-A to Select All, then Ctrl-C to copy, and make a full copy of the SD card's material to a new directory for the current day. I keep a structure where the top directory is "2014", then within that are directories named for example "201405", "201406", and within those are directories such as "20140611", "20140612", etc.
5) Launch ResScan
6) Open Patient and select myself
7) Click Download. Under the options choose "All available data". When the notice pops up about already having data from some earlier day, I click Discard.
8) When the download shows complete, close the window
9) Select Review, then Detailed Graphs and click to load the data. The current day's detailed graphs will appear, and nothing from before is overwritten.

For Sleepyhead, I just open the program, select myself as usual,and download the data from the Daily structure described above. Sleepyhead is happy to download from the copied directories, where ResScan will only access the SD card. I think this is due to the ability of ResScan to write setting changes back to the SD card, to adjust the S9 the next time the card is put back in it.

10) Once the downloads are completed and the programs are closed, click the Taskbar item to disconnect the SD card from Windows. Then physically eject the card. Leave it locked.

11) When it is time, as the last step before re-using the card in the S9, unlock it, and insert it in the S9's card slot.

12) Turn on the S9, and watch to see that the LCD shows the message about reading the SD card. If there is a message about the card being read-only or some such, I just turn off the machine again, then eject and re-insert the card, and power up again. The need to recycle the machine to correctly read the card happens only rarely.

The procedure above generates quite a bit of redundancy, and typically accumulates between 400 and 500 MB of data per month in the copied directory structure. However, if something happens that your software installation is damaged or corrupted, it is possible to reinstall either program or both, and import the data all over again, and have no loss of detail. I already needed to do this once, as my unit was sent out for service and was unavailable for a couple of weeks. I used another unit for that time, but I was able to bring it all up to date once my own machine was returned. For ResScan, you must do an additional step of copying each day's data back to an empty SD card so ResScan can see it, but it's a small price to pay for full access to the data.

I've only been using the S9 since late January, so I don't know what these programs will do when there is more that one year's data, but I'll find out next February.

Hope this helps . . .

RE: ResScan - first 13 days missing FLOW data - jcarerra - 06-21-2014

Since I have online backup with versioning...

Cloud online backup--multiple computers allowed. Sign up http://www.idrive.com/?uid=F6I9Y6E2O7

That is more than I need... I just want the files in the laptop to be the complete data set, so I am trying to find the steps that do not overwrite them with ones from the SD card that are missing the flow data.

RE: ResScan - first 13 days missing FLOW data - jcarerra - 06-21-2014

I figured out part but have a question still too...

The flow data stored for the days in ResScan on the laptop is protected is you just select "Discard" vs. Overwrite.

But I have another question...at the end when you close the program, it asks if you want to save changes you have made. is it asking about saving stuff to the SD card or to the data on the laptop?

RE: ResScan - first 13 days missing FLOW data - vsheline - 06-21-2014

Hi jcarerra,

In this context, the term "Overwrite" means: copy data from the card and overwrite previously downloaded data.

"Discard" means: keep previously-downloaded data; that is, for any days which already have some previously-downloaded data (no matter how little), ignore the data on the card (even if there were multiple sessions and some have not yet been downloaded).

In ResScan, a "day" begins and ends at noon. If we take a nap in the afternoon and download the data into ResScan before going to sleep again at night, the next morning ResScan will have ask if we want to overwrite or discard. If we select "overwrite" we will bring in whatever data the card holds but we may also lose some of the previously-downloaded data for days earlier than a week ago or month ago (if the card no longer has the "high rate" or "detailed" data for days that long ago).

Here is what I do when I want to overwrite one day (which has incomplete data) and leave the other days untouched: I first delete the day I want to overwrite and then I dowload and select Discard (as always). That is, in the Navigation pane on the left side of the ResScan display, I will right-click on the day I want to overwrite and select "delete session". This gets rid of the incomplete data for that day. Then, I download as normal, and I select Discard (as always). Since ResScan has nothing for the deleted day, ResScan will bring in whatever data is on the card for that deleted day.

RE: ResScan - first 13 days missing FLOW data - vsheline - 06-21-2014

(06-21-2014, 08:36 PM)jcarerra Wrote: But I have another question...at the end when you close the program, it asks if you want to save changes you have made. is it asking about saving stuff to the SD card or to the data on the laptop?

It is referring to the contents of the patient files in ResScan.

If you download data or make other changes to what ResScan has, and if you close the patient files without saving those changes, any unsaved download or changes will be lost. (But can be downloaded again.)