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CMS50F data won't load to OSCAR - Printable Version

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RE: CMS50F data won't load to OSCAR - phlamingo - 01-09-2022

(12-25-2021, 08:58 PM)hasteee Wrote: Sorry to bump this thread, can't seem to find an edit button.

I've got some good news.

Using Smart Device Assistant V3( I can export an *.SpO2 data file using the "Device Stored Data" menu option.

Then, when using the same software, if I go to the "Open File" menu option, I'm able to copy that *.SpO2 file that I've just saved to somewhere else on my computer.

The reason for doing this is because the Smart Device Assistant V3( program can see and access the *.SpO2 file, but when I navigate to the same folder manually with Windows Explorer it shows no *.SpO2 files at all. By copying that *.SpO2 file elsewhere in the "Open File" menu, you should now be able to see it with Windows Explorer.

Now, load up OSCAR and select the "CMS50D+/E/F, Pulox PO-200/300" for "Select Oximeter Type".

Then select "Import from a datafile saved by another program, like SpO2Review". Then select the *.SpO2 file you saved in the preceeding steps.

Just to confirm, I have the CMS50F, with hardware version 2.0.0 and software version 2.0.5.

I've had no issues syncing it up in this manner. Hope this helps someone.


Thank you for posting this! I just got my CMS50F and was totally lost.   Thanks

RE: CMS50F data won't load to OSCAR - pfmet - 02-07-2022

G’day hasteee and all, One month into this journey and I’ve embraced it wholeheartedly to get the most from my therapy. I’ve ordered and am anxiously awaiting my cms50f and studying what the uploading process will be. I’m surprised there’s been no response to hasteee’s work around to sync  the oximetry data with Oscar. I have no idea what versions of hardware and firmware I will receive but for $70 from some EBay seller it could be an older version I’ll assume. I will attempt to replicate your technique and I’ll report back with results. I’d be very interested to hear from others about their experiences with the data transfer. For now,  Thanks hasteee. Here’s hoping it helps some folks. My first post but y’all will be hearing more from me. Best, Peter

RE: CMS50F data won't load to OSCAR - Jeff8356 - 02-07-2022


The older version of the CMS50F (6.1) could be directly imported into OSCAR using the USB cable that it came with, or by using SpO2 Assistant software and importing the SpO2 file into OSCAR.  

The newer versions of the CMS50F (2.?) needs the Smart Device Assistant software, then you import the SpO2 file into OSCAR.

When you first turn the oximeter on it will briefly display the version (6.1, or 2.?).  The Smart Device Assistant software will work with either version.

There is a wiki page that briefly describes the process:

RE: CMS50F data won't load to OSCAR - pfmet - 02-12-2022

My CMS50F V 2.0.5 showed up 2days ago and I’ve managed to load two nights date using the remanded and moved file technique. A bit awkward but I recall a thread with various methods of setting up shortcuts or the UAC(?), user access control, to allow the file to be read. I’m searching for them now. So my sincere thanks to all who have posted regarding these software issues, following your good guidance got me up and running. Fine tuning of sync and we’re good. Best to all, Peter

RE: CMS50F data won't load to OSCAR - BetterWorld - 08-17-2024

I have found the hidden files. They are located in Windows Explorer at:  C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\SpO2 Assistant
Your file path my not be exactly the same but if you copy and paste "C:\Users\%username%\" into Windows explorer you can then "click" your way through the folders to where you have your program data stored. My folder is in "Program Files (x86)" for instance.

I searched on YouTube and found a video titled: "Hidden SpO2 Data Files from Contec CM50D+ using SpO2 Assistant, set new Date and Time to spO2 files" which shows how to find the files.

I tried it with OSCAR, looked in the "VirtualStore" directory and found and uploaded the data. It worked.
