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OSCAR v1.5.1 released - Printable Version

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RE: OSCAR v1.5.1 released - untoutseul05 - 09-25-2023

In my memory, you can put an exception in F-Secure for all the bin of OSCAR*.

RE: OSCAR v1.5.1 released - Gideon - 09-25-2023

We see this every time we push a new release.  Why?  Because OSCAR does not pay monthly fees to have our software pre-certified.  Since it's inception OSCAR has never even asked for a donation.  We literally have no budget and OSCAR is and has always been free and there are no plans of any kind to change that.

As long as you have gotten OSCAR from Sleepfiles.com it is good.

I'm surprised your program said it was Malware as it is not.  The common phrase is "suspected" or "potential" malware as new files of various types are often given those labels as any file that can house executable code COULD contain malware.

There is often some form of "more info" button that enabled you to "run anyway" or you may need to disable your virus protection to install OSCAR.

RE: OSCAR v1.5.1 released - OSjoerdWie - 09-27-2023

The main 'issue' is that the installer is not digitally signed, which raises a red flag in the OS/AV, as it thinks it may have been tampered with. Therefore, it becomes suspicious and gets a label 'potential malware'.

Until the installer (and all underlying built binaries) are signed, these issues are to be expected.

See for example https://www.computer.org/publications/tech-news/trends/what-is-a-code-signing-certificate

@Gideon: would it make sense to put text files with hashes (as well as explanations on how to confirm the hash locally) next to the installers, such that people who download the software can manually verify the integrity?

RE: OSCAR v1.5.1 released - larrykay - 09-27-2023

Didn't fix the problem of Oscar remembering the location of the Wellue O2 data files...

RE: OSCAR v1.5.1 released - Tommc - 10-06-2023

Hello, I downloaded the 1.5 version but when I went to install I noticed it was trying to change some of my drivers so I aborted the install and went to my oscar program where it showed the current version 1.4  I went to the help tab and tried the check for updates and it told me 1.4 was the latest version. I don't understand why the Oscar program is showing 1.4 not 1.5 and telling me I have the latest version(1.4)

RE: OSCAR v1.5.1 released - Gideon - 10-06-2023

We uncovered an error in the latest version processing. That has been fixed and will work going forward.

The latest is 1.5.1.

RE: OSCAR v1.5.1 released - Jeff8356 - 10-06-2023


Can you be more specific as to "changing drivers". Do you recall which one(s) were stated during the install?

Also verify you are downloading from the official site. Click the OSCAR icon in the black ribbon at the top of this page, or follow this link: https://www.sleepfiles.com/OSCAR/

RE: OSCAR v1.5.1 released - SenatorBirch - 10-06-2023

Thanks so much!

Just wanted to add, I came to the forum today (infrequent visitor) because I had a problem. About a week after a new ASV prescription, I suddenly was not getting Daily Data.
So I came to the SW Support forum to ask for help figuring it out. When I saw a new version, I debated whether I should try it.  Then I did, and it SOLVED the problem Smile
Figured I'd mention this in case anyone else encountered the same problem. Do the update !  (still can't explain why it happened, but the main thing is, it seems to work now)

Appreciate your work.

RE: OSCAR v1.5.1 released - Tommc - 10-07-2023

Hello, when you click on the 1.5 exe file a popup box comes up with a download button. if you click on it  you will launch a download file for "Driver Update | one.". I went back and closed out this "popup" and then was able to   download the proper file and launch it from the exe file on my PC

RE: OSCAR v1.5.1 released - SuperSleeper - 10-07-2023

We've received no reports of anything like what you're describing.  There are no "popups" or anything that would cause a message like "Driver Update | one." on the official OSCAR download page.  The only thing you should see is the window to download the executable file for OSCAR onto your PC.  If you're getting anything other than this, I'd check your own computer and/or web browser for add-ons, a virus, malware or adware or something else that's causing it.