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HenryECole81 - Therapy Thread - Printable Version

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RE: AHI with no Events - HenryECole81 - 05-11-2024


Thank you.    I did not see the attachment link until now. Attached is the referenced Oscar Detail File

RE: AHI with no Events - HenryECole81 - 05-21-2024

I see no replies

RE: AHI with no Events - Crimson Nape - 05-21-2024

You didn't post any screenshots, just CSV files.  Please see the link in my signature and review other member's therapy threads for reference.
- Red

RE: AHI with no Events - HalfAsleep - 05-21-2024

We need Oscar pictures!

RE: AHI with no Events - staceyburke - 05-21-2024

Without seeing OSCAR charts it is hard to know but  2 guesses. 

1. You were using ramp no therapy and no data
2 mask leak to high to sense apnea

I’m sure there may be more.

RE: AHI with no Events - staceyburke - 05-21-2024

Got another - positional apnea. You only have it when you get in a position that cuts off your airway. 

Again, the all can be detected with OSCAR charts.

RE: AHI with no Events - HenryECole81 - 05-22-2024

Thank you Crimson Nape, staceyburke and HalfAsleep. Apologies for not getting back to you and also for bolloxing the attachment by sending CSVs instead of photos. I then thought CSVs would contain more info.    I have just put my new photos skills to better test in a separate thread post reply where I focused my real concern concern for Cheyne Stokes Respiration. I am not sure how you divvy up your responses to members, but I would appreciate any guidance, including how to direct this to the Board member that specializes in CSR if that is preferred.  I am trying to give any CSR info I have to  my pulmonologist and cardiologist as they plan ECHO, EKG, and CT testing for ongoing but asymptomatic AFIB.  Note that though not  pictured --- no snoring, no leaks, and totally and consistently on my back (rotator cuff) with cervical collar.  My CSR info was in a reply  to a 5/21 positing  listed below, but I can repeat and send different photos as useful. See Post   RE: Just had a sleep study - Central Sleep Apnea with Cheyne Stokes #9. 

RE: AHI with no Events - Jay51 - 05-22-2024

It seems like you have a good plan in place IMO.  ECHO, EKG, and CT test with Cardiologist and Pulmonologist appointments.  Print out and take to your appointments the OSCAR's that show the CSR for both Cardiologist and Pulmonologist.  Also, here is a basic diagnostic tool for CSR.  I am not a Dr., but have shown OSCAR's to my PCP, Cardiologist, and Pulmonologist.  Dr.'s like summary data also.  If you can produce summary data  (say for a week or 30 days or more also that shows CSR, that would help also).  


RE: AHI with no Events - HenryECole81 - 05-22-2024

Thank you, Jay51. Did you or colleagues look at my attachment photos to see if the CSRs are valid?  The basic diagnostic you provided is useful and looks very much like my various CSR OSCAR breathing data, as you probably saw in the attachments my in my Cheyne Stokes thread reply.  However, I wear a O2 Ring when I sleep and that is always at or near 97-99 O2 saturation when on the CPAP, including during the so called CSRs. If I do not use the CPAP, the O2 levels are quite varied and much lower, often in mid-high 80s and sometimes 70s, but of course the CSRs are not  reported since not on CPAP..

Would it be better if I resubmitted  my query in a CSR thread rather than in the one-off AHI No Events thread?


RE: AHI with no Events - Narcil - 05-22-2024

i still don't see any pictures or links to anything. You should post your data (pictures) in your own thread really.

edit: if someone needs a link https://www.apneaboard.com/forums/Thread-Just-had-a-sleep-study-Central-Sleep-Apnea-with-Cheyne-Stokes