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xPAP therapy works - Printable Version

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RE: xPAP therapy works - PaulaO2 - 04-13-2012

I got mine not just for giggles and curiosity, but to also help me with some headaches and blood pressure issues. I wish I had thought to take my BP this morning but like I said, i don't wake up well. LOL

So far the data is showing me my CPAP is working but could be better. I wish I had data from the machine to match against it.

RE: xPAP therapy works - greatunclebill - 04-13-2012

(04-13-2012, 03:12 PM)CHanlon Wrote: That's all pretty eye-opening, even for someone like me that has seen his O2 info after a sleep study and gone "Oh, that's bad..." I've been sort of considering getting one of those oximeters just for extra data... now I'm thinking more seriously about it.

it's worth it's weight in gold. you can also put it on your loved ones and check them out. a couple years ago i took my wife to the er and she was hospitalized with pnuemonia. her o2 was low at that time. if we had one of these rigs we could have been checking it when she didn't feel good and went to the er sooner.

go to the pulse oximeter store. i think its 18 or 19 on the list. get the cms-50D+ which also works in sleepyhead. 3 of us on the forum that i know of have it. it costs $75 +6 for shipping and you'll see it in a couple days priority traceable mail. i did a product review in the review section. dreamcatcher did a review on another one that they have on the same page at the store. they appear to be a mom and pop operation so the order is sent to the post office when they get it.

RE: xPAP therapy works - PaulaO2 - 04-13-2012

Yes! I wish I had it when I had that bad bout of pneumonia/bronchitis. I would have gone to the doc sooner. In the doc's office, it was 90%.

Knowing what it was then gives me something to compare it to now. If my blood O2 goes as low or lower than when I am sick, then I know how little air I am breathing.

RE: xPAP therapy works - SuperSleeper - 04-13-2012

Well, looks like I have something else to start saving up for. Thanks for the info on these pulse oximeters, folks.


RE: xPAP therapy works - pssnn - 04-14-2012

The 50D+ really is worth it's weight in gold as PaulaO2 and Greatunclebill has indicated! Today I had my first appointment with my PCP after starting CPAP and went in armed with Sleepyhead graphs and the associated SPO2 (included in sleepyhead) data to make a case to switch to APAP. He was fairly surprised at the amount of data I presented and it was easy to make the case that I should be able to manipulate my own settings WITHOUT involving the DME Smile. I think he actually may have learned a little about sleep apnea today. The fairly cheap oximeter definitely cemented the case when I could show that the apneas correlated with O2 desaturation. By the way---Thank you all here at the Apnea Board for the great info and for helping getting me up to speed on the many aspects of sleep apnea!!

RE: xPAP therapy works - greatunclebill - 04-14-2012

i have a question. sleepyhead shows my correct clock times for turning the machine on at night and off in the morning. the SP02 program on the other hand shows shows the oximeter starting at zero hour like 00.00 hours. it then ends if i slept 5 hours at 05:00 hours.

if i go to bed at 1:30 am and wake up at 6 am. sleephead will record me going to bed at 1:30 am and getting up at 6 am. the SP02 program and the SP02 graph portions of sleepyhead will record going to bed at 0:00 and getting up at 4:30 am. i am starting the oximeter at the same time as close to the same second as i can get. is there a way of synching these numbers? am i missing a step? thanks.

RE: xPAP therapy works - PaulaO2 - 04-14-2012

That's covered in the Wiki

I don't think you can get the time truly set but by turning the recording on and the CPAP on at the same time, they are essentially synced.

RE: xPAP therapy works - pssnn - 04-14-2012

I just added a screenshot to the WIKI to help illustrate step 2. Hopefully it will help.

RE: xPAP therapy works - greatunclebill - 04-14-2012

thank you, both of you. once again, i missed something.

RE: xPAP therapy works - Surly - 04-14-2012

I wonder if anyone has imported data from the CMS50E into sleepy head without issue?. I ordered one online yesterday figuring 'E' probably just connoted an update to the 'D+' model?.

In any event, it looks like I'm going to need to instal Windows on my Mac if I want to be able to correctly align oximetry and CPAP time stamps when importing the data from the oximeter.