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Buying Resmed 10 Autoset after bad sleep study - Printable Version

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RE: Buying Resmed 10 Autoset after bad sleep study - Sleeprider - 09-28-2018

It's all good but move the minimum pressure to 6 not 4.

RE: Buying Resmed 10 Autoset after bad sleep study - isuckatsleeping - 09-29-2018

Bummer. The dreamwear didn't come with headgear, so gotta wait tomorrow for the F10.

RE: Buying Resmed 10 Autoset after bad sleep study - isuckatsleeping - 09-30-2018

Here's the data from my first night. It took me a good ~hour to fall asleep with the mask on due to pyschological insomnia. Finally fell asleep and it looks like I woke up due to an OA then woke up again ~4:30 due to a CA. At 4:30, I woke up with that "snap" wide awake feeling out of REM (I'm guessing) and felt wiiiide awake. Took me ~hr to fall back asleep after this. This is very normal for me. I usually snap out of sleep just like this throughout the night. Same story at 6:30am, snapped out of sleep and there's a flag for CA.

Overall, my AHI looks really good at 1.04 (right?), so I can't tell if I'm making a mountain out of a molehill. Overall I feel like crap right now due to lack of solid sleep (which is pretty normal).

A few notes:
  • After waking up (4:30am) my nose was burning pretty bad. I realized that I could spread the mask headgear straps out much further and it loosened the fit on my face significantly. Much more comfortable after that.
  • Both times I woke up I had a strong nocturnal erection (which is pretty, pretty rare for me), so I'm taking that as a good initial sign. Not sure if other members have recognized and increase in nocturnal erections once they start using a CPAP.
  • Looks like I woke up 4 times overall, if I'm reading these charts correctly.

RE: Buying Resmed 10 Autoset after bad sleep study - Sleeprider - 09-30-2018

Looks fantastic for a new start. Since your pressure stays near the minimum, I think you should change the EPR setting to 2. This may cut back some CA events, but those look more like sleep disturbances than anything real. (we sometimes call it sleep-wake-junk). Your results are excellent. It is not unusual for your sexual health to improve, but it usually takes longer. Smile

RE: Buying Resmed 10 Autoset after bad sleep study - mesenteria - 09-30-2018

My dreaming is both more frequent (perceived compared to prior to PAP treatment), and more vivid.  This has resulted in many more instances of 'morning wood'.  Hardly a thing to complain about...………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..right?

RE: Buying Resmed 10 Autoset after bad sleep study - isuckatsleeping - 10-01-2018

Last night went ok, still a bit sleepy and woke up a few times due to mouth breathing. I didn't get up to go pee at all during the night (at least that I remember), which is definitely not the norm.

I'm having a lot of trouble keeping my mouth closed though, and I wake up with air blowing out of my mouth a few times last night. I noticed that if I keep my tongue glued to the top of my mouth this isn't an issue, but when I'm sleeping my whole chin drops down w/my tongue. I will search previous posts to try to find a solution to this.

I moved the min pressure down to 5.4 because I felt like I was getting a whole lot of air last night before I fell asleep. My tidal volume last night at 5.4 was Med/Max 440/660 vs. 500/820 at 6.0. Not sure if there's a big difference between the two. Should I move it back to 6? It also looks like ERP @ 2 was a good idea for taking care of those CAs.

Is there a way to save the "View" settings in Sleepyhead (get rid of the calendar, right sidebar, etc.)? I set it up yesterday but it reverted to the default view after closing and reopening.

RE: Buying Resmed 10 Autoset after bad sleep study - zzzlessinMS - 10-01-2018

You bought the wrong tubing for this. The ClimateLineAir Oxy is for using your APAP with supplemental oxygen. It may be usable if the oxygen tubing port can be closed.

Another thing you can do to discover what is going on with your sleep is to buy a recording Pulse Oximeter and wear it all night without the machine and see if you have significant drop in O2 (desaturation). If P02 stays above 90, you don't fit the diagnosis of Sleep Apnea. Then try the machine in titration mode and record with pulse oximeter. See if you have better P02 on PAP.

RE: Buying Resmed 10 Autoset after bad sleep study - isuckatsleeping - 10-01-2018

(10-01-2018, 10:28 AM)zzzlessinMS Wrote: You bought the wrong tubing for this.  The ClimateLineAir Oxy is for using your APAP with supplemental oxygen.  It may be usable if the oxygen tubing port can be closed.

Another thing you can do to discover what is going on with your sleep is to buy a recording Pulse Oximeter and wear it all night without the machine and see if you have significant drop in O2 (desaturation).  If P02 stays above 90, you don't fit the diagnosis of Sleep Apnea.  Then try the machine in titration mode and record with pulse oximeter.  See if you have better P02 on PAP.

Yes, the port can be closed. Thanks for the info on the P02 information. I'll likely just continue using the CPAP. I ended up feeling amazing today. A little groggy in the morning but by the time I got to work I felt like I had drank a big cup of coffee (but I hadn't) and I still feel that way at 6:30pm. I feel wide awake still! I'm feeling hopeful that buying the CPAP was the right move for me.

Still need to research how to stop my mouth from opening throughout the night. I woke up feeling like a leaf blower was shooting into my mouth through my nasal cavity. Very strange and slightly unpleasant feeling.

RE: Buying Resmed 10 Autoset after bad sleep study - Keljian - 10-02-2018

Regarding the minimum setting (too much air when falling asleep) - you can use the ramp settings to start low and then ramp up to the minimum. This might make it easier to hit 6-7 as a minimum for the auto as it won't kick in to that, in theory, before you fall asleep.

It looks like if you set the minimum to 7.4 you may be able to drop your AHI lower.

RE: Buying Resmed 10 Autoset after bad sleep study - isuckatsleeping - 10-04-2018

I used a chin strap for the first time last night. It was a little uncomfortable (felt like the strap was pushing my jaw inward much more than upward), but I had a solid 6.5 hr sleep session (usually I am around 3-4 hrs) and the Leak Rate was decreased and stable. It was the highest AHI I've had since I started last week, but I woke up feeling like it was the best sleep I've had so far on CPAP. During the days after a good night of CPAP, I definitely feel the difference. It's almost like someone has lifted a filter that used to live between my brain and my body - I feel way more alert, less sluggish, less irritated.

Something I've been wondering - is there any way to estimate how high my AHI would be without the CPAP? I never got a diagnosis due to a botched sleep test. From this data, is it clear that CPAP therapy is right for me?