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initial aircurve pacewave setup - Printable Version

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RE: initial aircurve pacewave setup - SarcasticDave94 - 06-18-2024

iVAPS would be poor choice for Central Apnea as only treatment need. It's a ventilator instead, my opinion not suitable for that which you're after. I believe you're still after Central Apnea treatment.

Not even iVAPS I think would react to your oxygen levels. True ventilators can be equipped with oxygen sensor to monitor.

On ASV I still consider Ramp to hinder, and I don't know what settings you actually used. OSCAR charts would be ideal for any suggestions.

RE: initial aircurve pacewave setup - cexer - 06-18-2024

pew, thank you guys :-)

yes, i'm targeting the cheyne-stokes-centrals.
hmhm, i need to learn how to breathe with the machine.

i don't have ramp auto, but would probably like it.
they have also put it into the 10 series ?
ramp starting from epap 4 ?
(the later was my last edit which i reversed,
after already seeing answers)

do i need a software update ?
would i need the device to let it connect over the air
or can i do it manually *being paranoid* ?
where can i see, which version currently runs on the machine ?
there is also a place on their website,
where i can see, which updates there are, right ? which ?

there was an empty snoring graph in oscar.
does the 10 series already have mics ?

the heated tubing just arrived.

no allergies, but while sleeping indoors
i tend to have a congested nose.
therefore i would deem the humidifier necessary.

level 4 felt ok last time
but suggestions are welcome of course.

RE: initial aircurve pacewave setup - SarcasticDave94 - 06-18-2024

Updating the machine? Is that what you'd asked about? No ResMed rarely sends over the air updates for firmware, etc.

4 starting is typically too low for most adults.

Ramp does not work well with treatment for Central Apnea because it can add unintended pressure changes when it stops and it prevents therapy pressures until it expires.

10 series doesn't have mics, it records via air vibrations somehow.

I've used the US version of ASV, while yours is probably the PaceWave ASV, same thing just different name here vs international. Anyway, big pointer is before masking up for the sleep session, get comfortable in sleep area, relax as best as possible, want to avoid masking up when breathing hard, fast, etc. that isn't your normal style. The ASV has a rolling internal target that's based on your breath patterns. You mask up breathing fast, it will pace and attempt to keep that up. Not what you want.

RE: initial aircurve pacewave setup - cexer - 06-18-2024

now the next oscar chart.
i coudn't sleep again, but i was closer.

[Image: apkoyz]

(are there some graphs which i could leave out
so the rest is fitting better on the screen ?)

i felt claustrophobic under the mask
and in the end my nose congested,
so the pressure was ramping up.

after sensing dry air
i tried to avoid this by disabling auto climate
and setting humidity level to 4, then to 6.

i'll try it without ramp,
but wouldn't it be advisable to run the latest firmware
or have they put something bad in there ?

something was a little smelly, i hope it wasn't the new climate-air,
the parcel has unfortunately been placed in the sun,
so it has been getting warm. after using it a week,
i should clean everything somehow anyway, right ?

RE: initial aircurve pacewave setup - SarcasticDave94 - 06-18-2024

Certainly not all charts but thanks.

In this order, Events, Flow Rate, Mask Pressure, Leaks. Those are the ones I looked at most.

I think you're pressures will need to go up some, to increase comfort. EPAP 4-6 is likely low, and would think 6-10 or so would be better for you. PS Min 3 is OK PS Max 8 might be low, but let's see about EPAP edit.

Admitted you have low events but apparently also low comfort and low usage hours.

RE: initial aircurve pacewave setup - cexer - 06-18-2024

now i have been able to sleep
the first time with the device.

[Image: k0moyz]

(as one can see oscar has dumped
the 3 sessions earlier that day while importing.
how can i fix that ?
what i do is collecting the DATALOG-files
and deleting them on the sd-card.
the rest i'm just overwriting on my disk.
is it wrong somehow ?)

although waking up from the high pressure,
the device was putting on my centrals.

on other times the device was ramping up pressure
and i started a new session to reset the this target value.
then it was much better again.

even with humidity cranked up,
i had the congested nose.

later i was adjusting values due to rainout.
apart fro cooling, just let the device blow it self dry
or would there be to much unnecessary wear or something ?

what is my ox doing at 95 % at 2/5 or at 94 near the end
of the sessioncluster for so long ? isn't this bad and could it be fixed ?

which values should i take next ?

RE: initial aircurve pacewave setup - cexer - 06-19-2024

this time i tried it with ps-min 9 cause you mentioned 8 being low, i can feel changes, there.

[Image: ptcpyz]

at 22:54 i have been waking up from an hypopnea feeling dizzy
it was like the device was off but reacted to my breathing afterwards.
curiously, the event wasn't flagged in oscar.

anyway, the respiratory rate graph reflects my experience,
my oximetry, however tells another story.

as it appears to me
i was a bit fast going along with you not targeting hypopneas, i guess.

regarding humidity, i had a clear tubing with level 7 and 30 °C,
but there was water in the mask so i was going to 6.
could i lower the temperature a little, then ?

RE: initial aircurve pacewave setup - SarcasticDave94 - 06-19-2024

You can lower the tube temperature if you'd like to try that.

It appears the first segment wasn't good due to higher leak rates.

Around where this one Hypopnea was located, it looks to me the ASV is bringing pressure up, but the leaks are increasing there as well.

Do any of the setting edits seem to help? So far, the one negative constant is still an elevated leak rate, although not always very high, it's varying more than is ideal.

RE: initial aircurve pacewave setup - cexer - 06-19-2024

the hypopnea i was descriing
was not where the flag is, but had no flag
and occurred on 22:54, in the valley
before my respiratory rate was going up in the end.
the one with the flag i did not specially notice.

when the pressure is ramping up too much
i'm sometimes happy about leaks,
but it could, of course, influence the machine.
i still have problems with runaway rampups
and, when i sleep, runaway rampdowns.

in general i have to take care to snug in with my nose bridge deep enough,
but the pressure changes also nuckles it on by it self.
when there is too much pressure, the leaks occur near my cheeks.

a nasal mask would probably be a little tighter.
since the machine is able to work my congested nose,
i have my mouth closed anyway. is there a guide
for determining the right size ?

the first change (more pressure for comfort)
was different but ok, don't know about rampups.

putting the ps higher seems to influence how fast i breathe out.
the higher, the slower. it could probalbly indeed be slower than with 8,
so i get more ox out of the air.

is there somewhere a description how the machine varies
between the min and max values again ?

have you also seen my previous post,
where i was the first time able to sleep with the device ?

RE: initial aircurve pacewave setup - SarcasticDave94 - 06-19-2024

If the mask is the ResMed F20, I had that myself and couldn't get leaks under control. I suffered with it for about 9 months and had to move on. If the tension to get your leaks to this level is high enough to be uncomfortable, it's probably not going to work for you.

I'm not saying you need a Fisher and Paykel of any model, but the Simplus then Vitera that I used made a big difference, both full face Large masks. I don't recall what the leak rate for the F20 was but for F&P it was about 10 L/Min wearing the mask loose.

In ASV Auto mode, you'll start near EPAP min for exhale, inhale adds PS which brings IPAP number. Again ASV Auto mode, all 3 EPAP, PS, and IPAP have ranges.