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jlsmithseven - Therapy help requested. - Printable Version

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RE: Need chart help - jlsmithseven - 06-04-2024

I read somewhere today that if you wake up 3-4 am it’s because of a sugar crash. My fruit snacks and grapes right before bed probably aren’t helping that…so I’ll stop.

Anyways I love my falling asleep pressure with ramp. 8 ipap and 5 epap. I ran 2 epr before with mild success but last night I wore a chin strap. I’ve tried them before but I can almost swear it help. I think once I get into the high 9 range my mouth opens ever so slightly. I’m going to continue my settings where they’re at try not to eat sugar and wear the chin strap. I’ll report back in a week or maybe sooner. Thanks for all the help it means a lot

RE: Need chart help - jlsmithseven - 06-04-2024

So do they make a 19mm hose for the 11? I don’t think they have a heated one I’ve been told companies are phasing them out.

Waking up at 2-3am every morning, unable to fall back asleep - jlsmithseven - 06-16-2024

I've been having moderate success with CPAP for a few years now and most recently *past 3 weeks. Every single night I wake up at 2 or 3 am approximately and am unable to fall back asleep. I usually wake up either midnight to 3am one time to use the restroom but then can fall back asleep fairly quickly. But now, I cannot. I'm not sure what changed. I am not drinking more caffeine (actually drinking less) and my sleep hygiene has improved. I would say the only thing that did change is my sleep hygiene winding down at night. Before I would use electronics / eat before sleep, but now I read a book and don't eat...and I am able to fall asleep WAYYY faster and stay asleep, until that 2-3am mark. It's really frustrating and I'm not sure what to do.

RE: Waking up at 2-3am every morning, unable to fall back asleep - OpalRose - 06-16-2024


I have merged the most recent thread you started with a prior thread as you are asking for advice on the same subject.
I also changed the title of your thread.
Please, going forward, let's use this thread for your therapy questions and chart postings.

RE: jlsmithseven - Therapy help requested. - jlsmithseven - 06-16-2024

Could my recent higher pressure changes to Pmin be causing this change?

RE: jlsmithseven - Therapy help requested. - PeaceLoveAndPizza - 06-16-2024

Please post some charts. I am not sure what your current settings are and would need to see some data.

RE: jlsmithseven - Therapy help requested. - jlsmithseven - 06-16-2024

3 recent nights:
(the reason for the gaps in the first few are because thats when I woke up, then eventually i went back to sleep again, like an hour or so later. But this was the weekend, so I can't do that on a workday)

[Image: 1.png]
[Image: 2.png]
[Image: 3.png]

RE: jlsmithseven - Therapy help requested. - jlsmithseven - 06-18-2024

This thread got buried pretty fast, but were you able to decern anything?

RE: jlsmithseven - Therapy help requested. - PeaceLoveAndPizza - 06-18-2024

If you are open to it, let’s try an experiment. I would like to see how you do with a fixed pressure with EPR. 

Pressure 9
EPR 3 full-time
No ramp

Once you have a chart find an area that with a relatively flat flow rate a hour or more after falling asleep and do a 2-3 minute zoom. Then find an area with some spikes and do the same. Also post the entire nights chart.

What I want to see is how badly flow limited the breaths are with fixed pressure. It may be a trade-off is needed between living with a bit of flow limitations and spikes. Depending on how it looks some quality sleep may be worth it.

RE: jlsmithseven - Therapy help requested. - jlsmithseven - 06-19-2024

I’m kind of afraid to do this because I know I need somewhere near a 10cm pressure and I never had any success using no ramp or a timed ramp.