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Leak? - Printable Version

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Leak? - jfmusil - 07-10-2012

What does the Leak measurement tell us? Mine says Median 12.0 95th % 99.6 Max 123.6. Thanks

RE: Leak? - Sleepster - 07-10-2012

Your median leak rate is 12.0 liters per minute. That means that half the time your leak rate is above 12.0 L/min, and the other half of the time it's below 12.0 L/min. I think your machine can deliver effective therapy with a leak rate as high as 25 L/min, so you don't want to go above that.

95% of the time you're below 99.6 L/min, which means that 5% of the time you're above 99.6 L/min. That's not good! It indicates that your mask needs adjusting, or perhaps you need a different mask. It takes some trial and error to find a mask that fits you well and is comfortable. This is something you can talk to your doctor and equipment provider about. Providers and insurance companies allow for mask exchanges because they know how difficult it is for patients to find a good-fitting mask that doesn't leak.

RE: Leak? - zonk - 07-11-2012

(07-10-2012, 06:46 PM)jfmusil Wrote: What does the Leak measurement tell us? Mine says Median 12.0 95th % 99.6 Max 123.6. Thanks
It tell us we've got a leak problem and at this leak rate the AHI data can be trusted to be accurate.
Resmed machines report mask leak (unintentional leak) and define large leak above 24 L/min (above the red line on the Resscan leak graph). The red sad face shows on the machine sleep quality report when leak at or above 24 L/min for least 30% of the night. 99.6 L/min is the 95% percentile leak rate. You were leaking at or below 99.6 L/min for 95% of the night and higher for 5% of the time (123.6 L/min)
What mask are you using? Its normal to go through several masks to find the right one. You can exchange the mask within 30 days from your DME. Check the mask user guide fitting instruction and this guide may help too

RE: Leak? - jfmusil - 07-11-2012

I am using a Resmed Quattro Full Face mask. I found a leak in the hose and now have a green happy face on my display.