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CPAP cleaning system - Printable Version

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CPAP cleaning system - Tommy C - 08-06-2012


I'm looking to buy a CPAP cleaning machine.

There's a machine called the SleepGo? for $200 that uses ozone. And I see a number of liquid sprays around.

Does this ozone "activated oxygen" method really work well? What is the most complete way to easily clean a CPAP system? I wonder what the pros use...

I don't mind spending up to $350 for a quality unit that will last and do the job right.


RE: CPAP cleaning system - trish6hundred - 08-06-2012

Hi again Tommy C, I've seen that type of cleaning system and they sound interesting. I have thought about looking into one of them because I know ozone does kill bacteria. But as of now I just soak my hose, the pillows and tube to my mask, the humidifier tub once a week and about every couple weeks or so, I soak the gasket that lines the lid of the humidifier in warm water with a smigen of dishsoap or if that is too harsh, you can use baby shampoo. Sometimes, I take a small brush, (such as a toothbrush, a clean one, of course, Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha,) and rub the holes in the port of my mask to make sure nothing is blocking them.

RE: CPAP cleaning system - mjbearit - 08-06-2012

Hey Tommy C, you made an interesting statement, you said you want to use what the pros use. Just as a thought, supplier number 2 (Secondwind) sells used CPAP equipment. They use something to sanitize the machines before they resell them. Maybe dropping them an email would help give you an idea. Mark is a really helpful guy and I'd bet he would be willing to discuss this with you. Just a thought!

RE: CPAP cleaning system - archangle - 08-07-2012

Almost every other "ozone cleaning" gadget you see is a scam. If the ozone concentration is high enough to kill germs, it's high enough to damage plastic and other parts. Germs are tough little critters.

This one might be the exception, but to me, it sounds like the same old stuff.

There is some commercial usage of ozone sterilization equipment, but it's special things like water treatment in containers known to be ozone safe, or sterilizing special pieces of equipment known to be ozone safe.

Here's the EPA position on ozone air cleaners. I know the device in question is not this particular type of device, but there is useful information here:


RE: CPAP cleaning system - SleepyGreg - 08-07-2012

If you go to the Resmed page, they have links to the professionals ways of sanitizing machines where they use them for multiple clients.

I have read a LOT of stuff over the past six weeks and know it is there, but can't find it again - I just stumbled on it whilst researching.

If you continue having a problem, let me know and Ill see if I can stumble on it again.

RE: CPAP cleaning system - archangle - 08-07-2012

(08-07-2012, 05:25 AM)SleepyGreg Wrote: If you go to the Resmed page, they have links to the professionals ways of sanitizing machines where they use them for multiple clients.

I have read a LOT of stuff over the past six weeks and know it is there, but can't find it again - I just stumbled on it whilst researching.

If you continue having a problem, let me know and Ill see if I can stumble on it again.

The ResMed process is to clean the water tank, hose, and mask with chemicals or water at a controlled temperature. The machines just get wiped on the outside. They may recommend new filters.

There is no procedure to clean the inside of the machine.

There are delicate humidity and airflow sensors that might react badly to any kind of chemical in the airstream. I wouldn't even do the "aromatherapy" stuff in the air inlets, myself. Anything strong enough to kill germs is likely to damage the machine.

RE: CPAP cleaning system - zonk - 08-07-2012

(08-07-2012, 05:25 AM)SleepyGreg Wrote: If you go to the Resmed page, they have links to the professionals ways of sanitizing machines where they use them for multiple clients.
There are disinfection and sterilization guides for masks and S9 humidifier (the 3 piece tank shown in the guide) for multipatient use

RE: CPAP cleaning system - Sleepster - 08-07-2012

(08-06-2012, 08:33 PM)Tommy C Wrote: I don't mind spending up to $350 for a quality unit that will last and do the job right.

Save your money and buy a 15-dollar hose brush.

RE: CPAP cleaning system - Tommy C - 08-07-2012

Thanks for the cleaning links and suggestions.

I received a response from Mark at SecondWind. He said they do not use the activated oxygen process anymore.

He did provide this link showing a study that is positive about using the ozone cleaning process:


I am almost ready to buy this "SoClean" unit for $199:

After reading a lot about the ozone process on the web, it appears to be an outstanding way to clean a CPAP system.

But why is there hesitation to use it by some, including ResMed? Will the O2 process harm the S9 delicate sensors as suggested with chemicals?

O2 treatment (actually O3) seems SO much easier than tearing down and washing each time.

TommY C

RE: CPAP cleaning system - Sleepster - 08-07-2012

(08-07-2012, 04:05 PM)Tommy C Wrote: But why is there hesitation to use it by some, including ResMed?

Because it doesn't really do anything! So, let's say you thoroughly clean a machine and disinfect it. Use it once, or just leave it alone in a bedroom, and it'll pick up a bunch of bacteria. What are you gonna do, clean it continuously? Wake up in the middle of the night and clean it?

Washing with soap and water cleans away the crud and disinfects it. Anything more is overkill.