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Another New user - Printable Version

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Another New user - lisamcrn - 01-21-2017

I've been reading through the boards for several weeks after I had my titration sleep study scheduled.  I WAS feeling very comfortable and confident about getting started with my cpap.  But, like most newbys, my therapy hasn't stated out so well.  I was put on the F10 NP during my sleep study and was surprised it didn't bother me.

I have used my machine for two nights.  I tried the Resp Pico nasal mask and kept is on for 2.5 hours.  My face hurt the entire next day along with my teeth.  The mask wasn't to tight, I even removed straps and held it in place by hand trying to find some comfort.  I tried the Nuance NP and lasted 5 hours last night.  I altered between small and medium pillows several times.  My nose is tender today and I still had pressure points that just drive me crazy under my nose.  I broke my nose as a younger child and anything near it drives me crazy.  I can't stand to wear glasses for ten minutes.  

Tonight I'm trying out my Dreamwear and feel more hopeful, except for a bit of pressure below my nose.  I've already attached the clothe straps along the sides since the gel material drives me nuts.  I have set my EFR to 3.  Using heatedly humidity.  I'm not fully understanding the Flex, cpap + etc on my machine and if they would help comfort.  Any options to help with pressure points until my under nose becomes more adapted that won't compromise the masks?

Not sure that I'm asking for anything, but rather a little vent.  My husband also started his cpap therapy the same night and did get a different mask today, but just goes to sleep and stays asleep.  

Thanks. Lisa

RE: Another New user - Gideon - 01-21-2017

finding a mask that works for you is the hardest part of CPAP. All of our faces are different and what is good for one person is not good for another.

The one thing that you need to do is persist. And ask any questions about your apnea here.

Oh, welcome to the forum

RE: Another New user - MitchS - 01-21-2017

Hello, lisamcrm. Welcome to the forum. 

Finding the right mask and getting everything adjusted can take some time. Hang in there. The time will come when you wake up and have to check to see if you have your mask on.

RE: Another New user - Cranberry Ray - 01-21-2017

lisamcrn, like bonjour said, finding the right mask for you is the most difficult part of CPAP therapy. When i started out I was determined to make nasal pillows work. Decided on AirFit P10 and RT suggested the medium pillows. Unfortunately they were undersized for my nose and left huge sores. Discovered a product referenced on the board called Lansinoh which is a lanolin lotion used by nursing mothers. Applied a light coat around each nostril before bedtime and the sores were gone by the second night. Have been using it nightly ever since. Bottom line you don't want to use something that causes pain but it may take time to adjust, just use your best judgement.

Good luck with your therapy. I can guarantee you it will change your life.

RE: Another New user - trish6hundred - 01-21-2017

Hi lisamcrn,

WELCOME! to the forum.!
I wish you good luck with your CPAP therapy and also with finding a mask that works well for you.

RE: Another New user - Hockenberry - 01-22-2017

Hi Lisa,
I'm new here, but, a long time CPAP patient. Something I learned about here, that helped with sore spots, resulting from pressure points, is AYR nasal gel. I got mine at Walgreens, and it's helped me a bunch. Good luck with your therapy!

RE: Another New user - cate1898 - 01-22-2017

Hi lisamcrm, and welcome to Apnea Board!! Glad you found us!

The ResMed P10 Nasal Pillows mask as someone already mentioned is a very popular mask that has a smaller footprint than the mask you are using. Take a look at it online and see if it might be of interest to you. Otherwise there is a myriad of nasal pillow masks out there. Eventually you will find one you are comfortable with. Best of luck!

RE: Another New user - C0mbe - 01-22-2017


I'm new here too! I think you'll find dreamwear to be an improvement. They are much easier to use than traditional nasal masks. I use both dreamwear and the air fit p10, which is probably my favorite.

Keep positive, it does get better.

RE: Another New user - lisamcrn - 01-23-2017

I want to thank everyone for your welcome, encouragement, and suggestions. I was very positive that I would transition into this patiently. But, it has been difficult, but will get better. Unfortunately, being overly tired does make it challenging.

My AHI is about 11 the last few nights, my sleepstudy was only 5.1 with oxygen saturations of 84 for a low. So scientifically and logically, it isn't making sense. Data is also limited, four nights of limited use. My RT changed me to auto 8-10, which i hope will be helpful!

RE: Another New user - C0mbe - 01-23-2017

(01-23-2017, 06:26 PM)lisamcrn Wrote: I want to thank everyone for your welcome, encouragement, and suggestions.  I was very positive that I would transition into this patiently.  But, it has been difficult, but will get better.   Unfortunately, being overly tired does make it challenging.  

My AHI is about 11 the last few nights, my sleepstudy was only 5.1 with oxygen saturations of 84 for a low.  So scientifically and logically, it isn't making sense.  Data is also limited, four nights of limited use.  My RT changed me to auto 8-10, which i hope will be helpful!

That doesn't make much sense.  I would suggest you post some sleepyhead graphs.  The folks here are incredibly helpful, and someone more experienced than me can point you in the right direction.