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Central sleep apnea? - Printable Version

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Central sleep apnea? - orel - 09-06-2012

Tonight I'm going to be going in for my second sleep study with a CPAP (the first time I didn't sleep a wink). However I had an earlier appointment with someone to spend a few hours adjusting to the CPAP while awake, just to make tonight's sleep easier. I asked the man if he could go over the results of the non-CPAP study with me. I had an AHI of 22 and a low of blood saturation at 77%. I had 19 apneas (6 obstructive apneas, 13 central apneas) and 49 hyponeas.

I'm really worried about the central apneas. I was told I had obstructive sleep apnea, and now that I'm able to get the results it's mixed? My understanding of central sleep apnea is that the brain doesn't send the right signal for breathing. When I thought that it was just obstructive... I mean I thought that losing weight was my ticket out of this world of hoses and gasping. But now? What are my chances of not having to be on that horrible machine for the rest of my life? If I thought that I'd have to spend year after year getting air shoved down my throat... I don't know, give me something to work with here guys, anything.

RE: Central sleep apnea? - PaulaO2 - 09-06-2012

If you didn't sleep from the first test, how did they come up with the numbers?n If those numbers are from where you were awake, then they should be tossed. The only concern you should have in that case was the low O2.

An AHI of 22, even if predominantly central events, is pretty good. Still up there but not considered 'severe'.

You are putting the cart before the horse. First, have the test tonight. Clear your mind of worry as much as you can. There's nothing you can do to change anything by worrying so let it go. If you must, tell yourself it is a Mind Vacation and you'll pick back up the worry when you get home from it.

Then, ask for a copy of your sleep tests. Both of them. Don't let them tell you it is a bunch of data you wouldn't understand.

After the test, worry all you want. But, keep this in mind: sleeping with the machine is nothing. You're asleep. It's like having to sleep in weird colored pajamas. Who cares? You're asleep! And, the best part? With the machine? You'll be alive. And if the thought of living the rest of your life with a machine makes you further think of crazier thoughts? You need counseling. Seriously. This is a big life change. Sometimes I think easing into something is worse than just out right getting it.

RE: Central sleep apnea? - lonnieb - 09-06-2012

Hi orel: I agree with everything Paula said,as for that horrible machine for the rest of your life well it will only take a while and you will not mind it to much especially if it allows you to sleep good and feel rested,it only took me a few days to realize that this machine was my friend.

RE: Central sleep apnea? - zonk - 09-06-2012

(09-06-2012, 02:38 PM)orel Wrote: Tonight I'm going to be going in for my second sleep study with a CPAP (the first time I didn't sleep a wink).
Best of luck. Keep us posted with the titration result

RE: Central sleep apnea? - JudgeMental - 09-06-2012

(09-06-2012, 02:38 PM)orel Wrote: What are my chances of not having to be on that horrible machine for the rest of my life?

As a gambling man, I'd give you, at most, a 5% chance of NOT having to sleep with a XPAP for the rest of your life. An if you think that sleeping with the horrible machine is going to be unbearable, then how does coping with a pacemaker, ventilator, kidney dialysis or heart transplant sound, for the rest of your life?

My 2cents worth...take some type of sleeping meds tonight and in the morning after the study, get copys of the study and ask for the best deals on a CPAP, and get started on the hose. Good Luck

RE: Central sleep apnea? - britincanada - 09-06-2012

The Key to successful treatment is to go into it with a positive attitude and get the Right mask for you that is the key ((the Right mask for you)) try a few and see what works

After only a week or so on my loner Machine i feel like a 21 year old again i have energy i have patience's and energy left after work
I finally got a answer to why i Have felt the way i have for the last 2 years

My wife has a noise free night and i am thinking i might get lucky again
i wouldn't be without my machine Now it is my best friend
Good luck with your treatment

I have mixed Too

RE: Central sleep apnea? - trish6hundred - 09-06-2012

Hi Orel, Best of luck on your sleep study. Keep us posted and I echo what others have said to you so far.

RE: Central sleep apnea? - archangle - 09-06-2012

Yes, you'll probably have to sleep with a machine for the rest of your life. Hopefully, we can help you make it a little less horrible.

Maybe they'll find a better treatment in the future, but realize that CPAP has almost no side effects, no permanent changes to your body, no chemicals in your body, etc. It's hard to find another treatment with so few downsides.

Don't worry too much about centrals. They're not necessarily more harmful than obstructive, but they're harder to get rid of.

Be absolutely sure you get a good data capable CPAP machine, not a brick that only records compliance data. Get a PRS1 Auto or Pro or ResMed S9 AutoSet or Elite. Do not accept an S9 Escape, Escape Auto, or a PRS1 Plus or DS150. With the right machine, you can watch for central apneas.

RE: Central sleep apnea? - orel - 09-07-2012

Back from the second try at a sleep study. I was put on a BIPAP this time. After an hour of trying to relax I finally relented and popped a xanax. After that I slept for what I hope was two hours. The rest of the night was rocky, with no real sleeping done. Then the technician stopped the study an hour and a half earlier than scheduled because she thought I had said I was ready to give up through the speakers. She's not sure if the information is enough for the doctor to prescribe a pressure. I just can't imagine being able to handle this. I went into the study COMPLETELY sleep deprived, over 24 hours without any rest. I took a damn anxiety pill, much good it did. Going to sleep was one of the things I enjoyed most before all this sh*t happened. I'd lay in bed, comfortably on my stomach and dream and imagine and let sleep take me away. Now all I have to look forward to is spending the rest of my life being dependent on a machine that keeps me in absolute misery. That is if I can handle the machine at all.

So what now? I'll get a call sometime in the near future from someone from the sleep lab. If the doctor wants to give me a pressure, I'll go find a machine and officially begin my new life. If not, I'm guessing I'm in for yet another night of sleepless torture in a sleep lab. Now I'm off to spend the next 6 hours depriving my brain of oxygen.

RE: Central sleep apnea? - Dawei - 09-07-2012

Orel--Your frustration comes through loud and clear, but I think it's a good sign that you have found this board and shared your feelings with others who have apnea.
One sentence in your most recent posting jumped out at me:
[quote='orel' pid='18413' dateline='1347020667']
I just can't imagine being able to handle this.

This is key, I believe. If this is truly your feeling, it indicates that indeed you will NOT be able to handle this adjustment. Your prediction will prove to be self-fulfilling. By the same token, if you truly feel and tell yourself that "I can imagine being able to handle this," that will happen.

You may have missed it all, but Paula's excellent response to you is exactly on the mark in my opinion.