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[CPAP] Resmed S9 VPAP S Difficulties - Printable Version

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Resmed S9 VPAP S Difficulties - fotog673 - 05-31-2017

Morning All-
About at my wits end. Have had this machine for four years and some months and for a very long time it worked well. Trying to get tech support from Resmed is nearly impossible so maybe someone can help here. I have tried changing settings, tubing, masks et al to no avail. 
Here is the problem. Upon exhalation, about half way through, no matter what I do, the machine wants to initiate another inspiration. Trigger if you will. Again no matter what I do it is now unusable. At first I thought it was leak related but that doesn't seem to be the case as I can duplicate the difficulty right from the tube. I have been without it now for a couple weeks no matter what I've tried. DME is fairly intractable but have agreed to bring me a loaner until they can decide what to do. In the mean time here are my settings. Let me know please if other information would help. Thanks so much. Lar

Resmed S9 VPAP S

Mode S
Easy Breathe Off
Ti Max 2.0
Ti Min 0.3
Rise Time Min (grayed)
Trigger Low
Cycle Med
Max Ramp 20 min
Start EPAP 3.0
Tube Standard

RE: Resmed S9 VPAP S Difficulties - justMongo - 05-31-2017

The default setting for trigger is MED. LOW may be causing premature trigger to IPAP.
What may have changed -- you. If it cycles to EPAP and you snore, it creates a wiggle in the flow waveform that could be mistaken as the beginning of the next inspiration and it triggers to IPAP.

Rise Time (Min) should not be grayed out in S Mode with Easybreathe Off. Are you sure that's how it's set?

One way to examine what going on is to look at high sample rate flow and pressure data with SleepyHead. See if there's a wiggle in flow when a premature trigger to IPAP occurs (as shown by the pressure)

RE: Resmed S9 VPAP S Difficulties - fotog673 - 05-31-2017

The default setting for trigger is MED. LOW may be causing premature trigger to IPAP.

What may have changed -- you. If it cycles to EPAP and you snore, it creates a wiggle in the flow waveform that could be mistaken as the beginning of the next inspiration and it triggers to IPAP.

Rise Time (Min) should not be grayed out in S Mode with Easybreathe Off. Are you sure that's how it's set?

One way to examine what going on is to look at high sample rate flow and pressure data with SleepyHead. See if there's a wiggle in flow when a premature trigger to IPAP occurs (as shown by the pressure)

Thanks for responding Mongo-

Rise time is Min
I reset the trigger to min then high then very high with no change. I am trying this in a very minimalist way in that I have my mouth on a basic tubing with no mask to limit variable. Tried it with long slow exh, shortened and quick. No matter how I try it about halfway to the end of the exh cycle the machine starts again to cycle to inh. There is just no way to relax no matter what I try it seems. I finally rip it off and take my chances. I am stumped.  Oh-jeez 

RE: Resmed S9 VPAP S Difficulties - PaytonA - 05-31-2017

Have you tried it with Easy Breathe set to On? If you haven't, I would. Mongo is right, Rise Time should not be greyed out unless Easy Breathe is turned on. If that is actually the case, it sounds like there might be a problem that may not have an easy fix.

One thing that I would do is to change your test technique slightly. Instead of connecting the hose end to your mouth, I would pull the elbow out of your mask, connect it to the hose, and connect that to your mouth. The reason is that presumably you have the mask type set for FFM. This tells the machine what kind of pressure drop to expect at the other end of the tube. With no elbow you have reduced that pressure drop

Are your hose type and mask type settings correct. I have noted some weird things happening if either are incorrect.

One other thing, I have had pretty good luck talking to the Resmed people in San Diego where their US headquarters is located. Their Customer Support number is 800-424-0737.

I have the same model machine as you but a little younger. I have not had exactly the same problem you are having. I did have a similar problem with my S8 VPAP Auto but it responded to my change of the cycle sensitivity. My problem was also inconsistent. It did not occur all the time.

Hopefully some of this will be helpful.

Best Regards,


RE: Resmed S9 VPAP S Difficulties - fotog673 - 05-31-2017

Thank you Payton-
This unit used to be relatively bullet proof. Have a beard and usually had a leak but the machine figured it out and for years I got good sleep. This has just started in the last month or two. And as with you it got better then worse. It is why I think it may be the machine. My DME is bringing a loaner which kind of freaks me out but anything has to be better than this.

RE: Resmed S9 VPAP S Difficulties - trish6hundred - 05-31-2017

Hi fotog673,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
Hopefully, the loaner machine will work for you and that you can get yours fixed if there is a problem with it.
Good luck to you and let us know how things turn out for you.

RE: Resmed S9 VPAP S Difficulties - fotog673 - 05-31-2017

Thanks so much. Thank you for having me. Will do.