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Worried - Printable Version

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Worried - thegreatgeekyme - 09-12-2012

Hi, i am new to the boards. I have been watching them and reading them for months and finally decided to sign up. A little about myself, I have been on CPAP ResMed S9 for about 6 or 7 months. My pressure is at a 9. The problem I am having is that I am still so very sleepy during the day. I think my pressure is just a little too low.

With that said, I have been reading how to change my pressure. I am just scared with all the warnings and dangers I have been reading that I might end up killing myself lol. I don't think it needs much, just maybe up to a 10 or 11. Is that too much to risk bumping up too?

RE: Worried - zonk - 09-12-2012

Hi thegreatgeekyme, welcome to the hosehead land
First of all ... Have you had a follow-up with your sleep doc?
Which S9 are you using .. look next to stop/start button
This one shows S9 AutoSet
[Image: img_usage.jpg]

RE: Worried - thegreatgeekyme - 09-12-2012

S9 Escape and no follow up.

RE: Worried - zonk - 09-12-2012

(09-12-2012, 12:57 AM)thegreatgeekyme Wrote: S9 Escape and no follow up.
Unfortunate the Escape is non-data capable machine. It doesn't tell you anything other than hours used each night. We cannot monitor the data (AHI, leak, etc..) or hows the therapy is working. S9 AutoSet and Elite are full data capable machines
Why no followup ... Have you had a sleep study?

RE: Worried - thegreatgeekyme - 09-12-2012

They never scheduled one. The only followup i had was when they wanted me to wear an oximtry sensor during my cpap sleep. My oxygen seems to drop really low at night, around 80 and sometimes lower. I haven't gotten on any oxygen yet, as it isnt covered by my insurance.

I had a sleep study. 2 of them. One without the cpap, and one with the cpap where they adjusted the settings. I have stopped falling asleep in the car when riding, which was near impossible before, but now I am so tired during the day.

RE: Worried - zonk - 09-12-2012

During the sleep study my oxygen levels drop below 80 as well but with CPAP shot up to high 90 and didn't need any oxygen supplement. We don,t know if the tiredness is CPAP related or could be something else. Beside "how do you feel" we need data to evaluate how the therapy is working . You could adjust the pressure providing leak is under control but read first

Ideally make an appointment with the sleep doctor ...Its not good enough not to follow-up or make sure that you've data capable machine and checking hows the therapy is working

RE: Worried - trish6hundred - 09-12-2012

Hi thegreatgeekyme, First of all, WELCOME! to the forum.! Keep checking back into this forum and hang in there for more suggestions for ideas regarding changing pressure.

RE: Worried - PaulaO2 - 09-12-2012

Yes, there's a lot of sleep docs who just assume you know to come see them once a year. I was never told to so I didn't. My sleep doc is so expensive and it was obvious they hated Medicare patients.

You've only been using it for 6 months. I know that may seem like a long time, but it's really not. Google 'sleep debt'. And consider going back to the sleep doc to discuss the treatment plan. How often should you visit, what are the signs and symptoms your treatment isn't working, etc.

Contact the place where you got your machine and ask if you can trade up. The S9 Escape is what we call a brick. Absolutely useless in terms of managing your own care. If they will not let you trade up, go to the supplier's list and visit Supplier #2. Contact them and see if how much they'd give you for your current machine and how much that would take off the price of an S9 Autoset.

Now, that out of the way, the chances of you killing yourself is minimal. I started out with 8. 6 months later, they raised it to 10. Four years later, they raised it to 12. So each time, they doc increased it by two with no transition. BUT here we try to convince to go one number or less at a time. With your machine (I've got the same one and I kick myself every morning), you have no way to tell if the changes are working. Which is why you (and me in a few weeks I hope) should upgrade to the Autoset (or the equivalent Respironics 550 Auto).

Did you read this:

RE: Worried - thegreatgeekyme - 09-12-2012

Yeah i would love to get a better CPAP machine, but I doubt my budget would allow it atm. My insurance doesn't cover durable medical equipment, so I had to buy the first one out of pocket and I never got a choice of machine.

You know you mentioned leaking, and while I don't really lose that much from around my mask, i did have a pinhole size tear at the end of my hose around the connector. I put some duct tape around it and it seems ok. I do hear air coming from somewhere but it doesnt sound like much, do you think that could really reduce the effects the CPAP should have?

I did read that post, and I did figure out how to adjust my pressure. I put it up to 9.4 (from 9) and I felt all anxious and stuff afraid I was going to hurt myself by doing it so I turned it back down. lol. I am weird like that lately. So anxious and nervous.

RE: Worried - zonk - 09-12-2012

(09-12-2012, 03:07 PM)thegreatgeekyme Wrote: I do hear air coming from somewhere but it doesnt sound like much, do you think that could really reduce the effects the CPAP should have?
Each mask have vents holes to allow exhaled air to escape and its good leak.
Put you hand in front of the mask and you should feel it
What mask are you using?
If the leaks around the cushion seal ... Its a bad leak
Some leak is acceptable as long as not too high or have to keep waking up to adjust the mask so it affect sleep quality