Apnea Board Forum - CPAP | Sleep Apnea
Newbie Intro - Printable Version

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Newbie Intro - ErSwnn - 02-15-2018

Hello All!  Newbie here, 12 whole days and I figured the best way to beat the apnea is to treat it like an enemy.  I found this forum when I needed to figure out if dizziness is part of the deal with the machines or I have a different issue in play.  I see I have my humidity set high, looking to combat the drymouth/throat so I lowered that and I'll give it a few days.

I'm otherwise in good health....if you don't consider the HIV+ aspect to myself.  In that I'm doing very well, 35 years now, 27 years since diagnosis.  Great numbers and the virus does not define me.  I don't live with it, it lives with me, and like the apnea, I expect it to behave itself.

My first testing showed an AHI of 131, I see the doctor 4/10/18 for fine tuning my therapy.  So far I find it a bit bothersome...as I'm sure you each know well.  I have no consideration of stopping even if only so my wife can finally know some nocturnal peace.  But that alone isn't motivating me, a long, productive and happy life is the goal and I'm not about to let weak muscles get in the way.  I'll adjust and that will be that.

The plethora of information here is overwhelming.  I have a lot to learn.  Thanks for being here to help me navigate this new wrinkle in my life.

RE: Newbie Intro - Walla Walla - 02-15-2018

Welcome to apnea board. Below are a few links that can help you along. If any advice is needed just ask.


RE: Newbie Intro - OpalRose - 02-15-2018


It’s great your taking care of this.  An AHI of 131 is quite high.  You may find that your have Central
or Complex Sleep Apnea.  We look forward to learning what your doctor will tell you on April 10th, but in the meantime, download the free #SleepyHead software so that you can track your own therapy.

Dizziness can be caused from other reasons, like High Blood Pressure.  Also, too high of a humidity setting isn’t always the best route.  Play with it and lower it to see how you feel.  Your dry throat is more than likely caused from mouth breathing.  

Please be sure your profile reflects your exact machine name and mask name.  

Also, look to see that your machine has an SD card, so you can load data to #SleepyHead.  

Order the Clinicians Manual for your machine.  


RE: Newbie Intro - trish6hundred - 02-15-2018

Hi ErSwnn,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
Good luck with CPAP therapy.

RE: Newbie Intro - Gideon - 02-15-2018

Welcome to the forum.  You have likely read the links in my signature.  

We tend to work with data here so I'm going to suggest that you post a copy of your sleep study.  We can help you with what questions to ask, and so much more.


RE: Newbie Intro - ErSwnn - 02-15-2018

Yes, I plan on using the Sleepyhead program, but not until after I learn how things work....don't want to tinker with the SD until the Dr. has read it.  I'm not much for such things, I'm more of a chicken coop kinda guy.  Literally.  

Yeah, the AHI is high and I understand it may come with a few caveats that I will have to master.  Thus far I seem to be doing the right things...like using the machine as proscribed.  And seeking those already experienced and willing to share their knowledge.  Not my first rodeo, just a new arena.

Thank you all for your kind responses...and I'll tighten up my info to sharper point.

RE: Newbie Intro - ErSwnn - 02-15-2018

Thank you Fred.  As soon as I learn how to post the charts....and I will....I'll do exactly that.  Might be a bit before I do, I'm shaky on messing with the machine, I imagine a newbie qwerk I'll have to work through.  No worries, I'll catch on.

RE: Newbie Intro - Gideon - 02-16-2018

Sleepyhead is easy. See my signature.
Download and install
start and load Sleepyhead from your SD card
Arrange charts as in the organize link (drag and drop)
Adjust vertical size if needed (grab bottom of chart and pull up a little) to fit
F12 for screen Print then Attach the file to your post and ask "What should I talk to my Dr. about?"
Also mention any issues you noted along the way.


RE: Newbie Intro - Walla Walla - 02-16-2018

If your worried about the SD card you can lock it with the tab on the side. That prevents the computer from writing on it while still being able to read it. Just remember to unlock it before putting back into your CPAP machine. Pretty easy!

RE: Newbie Intro - Sleeprider - 02-16-2018

Since your follow-up is nearly 2-months out, I suggest you get a better handle on your therapy before then. At the very least, you can look at your on-screen AHI results. I recommend you download #Sleepyhead, get a look at how things are going, and if AHI is high, get back to us on the forum. My concern is that your sleep study AHI was very high, you did not apparently have a titration study, and are using a very low starting CPAP pressure on a machine that does not do well when it starts with too low minimum pressure. Are you in fixed pressure mode at 5.5 or using auto pressure starting there? Do you know what model Dreamstation you are using? The model number should be DSX200, 400 or 500xx.