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Need some help with Airfit F20 - Printable Version

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Need some help with Airfit F20 - Janyn - 12-19-2019

Okay Hiveminds so I was doing really well with my Airfit F-20 but then this past week has been a disaster with leaks and problem fit. I notice when the pressure advances from 12 to 15+ I start to get the “farting” leaks on my cheeks. If I try to tighten the mask straps anymore I end up with a headache because they are too tight. The mask is a large and I am wondering if this is the issue and I really need a medium? Also now sometimes the mask will slip and I find the bottom of it winds up in my mouth and wakes me up because I have to pull it out! That just started this week as well. I ordered one from amazon and am waiting for it now. I also ordered the foam Air Touch mask liner to try it because I heard it was better with the higher pressures. Does this sound about right? I was really getting a good nights sleep and my AHI was down to 1.3 but these last few nights have been hell trying to stop the leeks. Also is it because the latex on the masks starts to wear out after 30-45 days? My DME is late getting me my replacement so this is the original and going on 50 days old now...

RE: Need some help with Airfit F20 - SarcasticDave94 - 12-19-2019

I have both AirFit and AirTouch F20 cushions. They both can handle my ASV up to my highest pressure if they're the right size and adjusted proper, which does not mean tight enough to hurt. You've probably gotten it too tight, if you have your right size cushion. And yes I've found that if used too long, it'll tend to leak more. On that, AirTouch memory foam has been known to not last as long as AirFit silicone, according to others. AirTouch didn't work as well for me as the AirFit, so I'm not sure how long these last myself.

RE: Need some help with Airfit F20 - Janyn - 12-19-2019

Dave thank you for that, this is what I read as well about the foam but figured I would give it try just to see. Good to know the silicone can handle the higher pressures. I am really thinking it is a size issue and hope the medium frame and mask will do the trick for me. The first few weeks with it were wonderful and this all developed over these last 2. I also read somewhere that making the straps too tight actually have the reverse effect and can cause leaks as well and I tend to agree from what I have been through. I think my silicone on my current mask is just tired and worn so anxiously awaiting the replacement in the smaller size. Smile

RE: Need some help with Airfit F20 - SarcasticDave94 - 12-19-2019

You're welcome.

FWIW my silicone style AirFit seems to need a few days break in from new to loosen up and fit best and becomes as leak free as it'll be able. And I've been getting several months per AirFit, I'm thinking 6 months or a bit longer. I change out when leaks can't be controlled.

I only put a few days time into an AirTouch and gave up on them as I had more difficulty controlling leaks with that cushion. Others like it better than I.

Don't be surprised if YMMV.


RE: Need some help with Airfit F20 - Plmnb - 12-19-2019

(12-19-2019, 06:31 PM)Janyn Wrote: Okay Hiveminds so I was doing really well with my Airfit F-20 but then this past week has been a disaster with leaks and problem fit. I notice when the pressure advances from 12 to 15+ I start to get the “farting” leaks on my cheeks. If I try to tighten the mask straps anymore I end up with a headache because they are too tight. The mask is a large and I am wondering if this is the issue and I really need a medium? Also now sometimes the mask will slip and I find the bottom of it winds up in my mouth and wakes me up because I have to pull it out! That just started this week as well. I ordered one from amazon and am waiting for it now. I also ordered the foam Air Touch mask liner to try it because I heard it was better with the higher pressures. Does this sound about right? I was really getting a good nights sleep and my AHI was down to 1.3 but these last few nights have been hell trying to stop the leeks. Also is it because the latex on the masks starts to wear out after 30-45 days? My DME is late getting me my replacement so this is the original and going on 50 days old now...

Oh wow!  Much of what you wrote sounds like what I'm going through with this mask.  The "fart" sounds are not only annoying me, they are driving my husband nuts.  If I tighten the straps any more, (and btw, the velcro seems to not be working very well now), I feel like my head is in a vise.  I have only had the mask no more than about a week.  The darn thing migrates down my face, my nose doesn't seem to sit right anymore.  I use the small.  And to boot, the rubber or whatever it is is annoying my skin, it feels slimy.  I want one of those liners, I think it will help many of my issues.  But those liners look so big and I can't stand the idea of another ANYTHING on my head.  Between the collar, the mask, the tube,...well it is getting crazy.  My husband is pretty handy, I have asked him to design something for me to help with these issues.

This is my second mask style this time around.  If I have to go through as many masks as I did my first rodeo I'll scream.

Please post what you end up doing.


RE: Need some help with Airfit F20 - Janyn - 12-19-2019

I sure will! I really do love this mask it was working so well for me and I understand what you are saying about the sliminess as well. I clean mine with wipes daily but sometimes at night I feel like it gets slimy and then it moves. You might have the right idea with the liners. I dont have the sensitivity issue but they might help with the slipping. I dont want to quit on it because it works so well, just need to wait for the medium to show up and see how it works.

RE: Need some help with Airfit F20 - warble - 12-20-2019

Similar situation here. I've been using the Airfit F20 (large) for about a year now at pressures up to 22. Here is what I've found:

Use a strap pad/cushion. I don't think I'm allowed to post a product link so if you search Amazon for "Universal Headgear CPAP Neck Pad" you'll see the blue fleece strap liners I'm referring too (approx $12). This was a game changer for me. No more sore lines around my neck/face. Able to tighten the headgear far more without it feeling tight.

The head gear straps loose their elasticity after a few weeks/months if you over tighten. Washing them regular seems to help get a bit more life out them. They are relatively cheap. Personally I just replace them every 6 months.

The silicone mask seems to be more resilient than advertised. I have a couple of spares sitting around but have yet to replace my original mask. Looking after the silicone seems to be the key here.

The trick to maintaining a good F20 mask fit - skin oil removal. Oil free skin and soft silicone should have an almost "sticky" feel to it. The high level of friction between the two eliminates the "farting" at a much lower strap tension. Once either gets oily the silicone will slip and cause air leaks.

My process each night is: Wash face thoroughly with a soap that will remove any/all skin oil and leave no new ones behind. Wash mask with a light detergent. A simple unscented, additive free liquid hand soap. Dry off mask and give it a quick test. Place mask on face and move it around. If it doesn't slide you're good to go.

I repeat the soap ritual in the middle of the night during toilet break as i have fairly oily skin. The only difference being I use baby wipes on the mask instead of washing (as it takes too long to dry).

Also I'm sure someone will chime in to say only use baby water-wipes (no additives) to protect the silicone. To those i suggest you look at the ingredients of Resmed's own CPAP mask wipes. Mild detergent and aloe vera. Anything that is safe for a baby's butt isn't going to hurt silicone.

Hope that helps.

RE: Need some help with Airfit F20 - Melman - 12-20-2019

It may just be that you need a different mask. Our faces are all different and the same mask is not likely to work well for everyone. As for age. I've been using my original F20 mask and silicone cushion for 21 months. It seals as well now as when it was new.

RE: Need some help with Airfit F20 - Osiris357 - 12-20-2019

If you’re still having trouble getting a good seal try soaking the cushion in very warm to hot soapy water for about 45 mins. The trick is to make it hot enough so it stays that way for as long as possible. 

This has worked for me when a mask of any kind felt off or refused to stop leaking. I think it loosens up any “stiff” spots in the silicone and allows it to form to your face were it wasn’t before. 

Worth a shot. It works for me.

If not then you should try another mask because this one may not be for you.

RE: Need some help with Airfit F20 - Plmnb - 12-20-2019

(12-20-2019, 12:59 AM)warble Wrote: Similar situation here. I've been using the Airfit F20 (large) for about a year now at pressures up to 22. Here is what I've found:

Use a strap pad/cushion. I don't think I'm allowed to post a product link so if you search Amazon for "Universal Headgear CPAP Neck Pad" you'll see the blue fleece strap liners I'm referring too (approx $12). This was a game changer for me. No more sore lines around my neck/face. Able to tighten the headgear far more without it feeling tight.

The head gear straps loose their elasticity after a few weeks/months if you over tighten. Washing them regular seems to help get a bit more life out them. They are relatively cheap. Personally I just replace them every 6 months.

The silicone mask seems to be more resilient than advertised. I have a couple of spares sitting around but have yet to replace my original mask. Looking after the silicone seems to be the key here.

The trick to maintaining a good F20 mask fit - skin oil removal. Oil free skin and soft silicone should have an almost "sticky" feel to it. The high level of friction between the two eliminates the "farting" at a much lower strap tension. Once either gets oily the silicone will slip and cause air leaks.

My process each night is: Wash face thoroughly with a soap that will remove any/all skin oil and leave no new ones behind. Wash mask with a light detergent. A simple unscented, additive free liquid hand soap. Dry off mask and give it a quick test. Place mask on face and move it around. If it doesn't slide you're good to go.

I repeat the soap ritual in the middle of the night during toilet break as i have fairly oily skin. The only difference being I use baby wipes on the mask instead of washing (as it takes too long to dry).

Also I'm sure someone will chime in to say only use baby water-wipes (no additives) to protect the silicone. To those i suggest you look at the ingredients of Resmed's own CPAP mask wipes. Mild detergent and aloe vera. Anything that is safe for a baby's butt isn't going to hurt silicone.

Hope that helps.

Great tips warble and everyone.  Will try some of them.  As to just getting a different mask...I really hesitate.  As I have said this is already my second one this time around and the one they gave me when I picked up the machine was short lived as far as it working for me at all.  So I really want to see how I can make this one work since it has yet to be found on the floor without me knowing how it got there.  (There was that one day recently when I knowingly took it off because it was annoying me and I could NOT figure out how the hose got detached from it, LOL)