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Compliancy - Printable Version

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Compliancy - Big Guy - 03-04-2020

I'm struggling with it. I'm still getting my 4 hrs. per night of use, 70% of the time. I always shoot for at least 4 hrs., and at times, can see 6-7 hrs. 

Earlier on in my SA Therapy, 8 hrs. or more was quite common. But, I fear I'm growing weary of my therapy. My AHI numbers are good. Well below 4 and usually closer to 2 or lower. I'm losing confidence in the therapy itself. 

I'm still having mask leaks that wake me during the night, and I end up having to readjust my mask. I'm alternating between the AirFit F20 and F30. Even with a new cushion, the leaks are problematic. I tighten the straps enough so as to create a better seal. The added strap tension doesn't seem to bother me. 

I just can't see myself continuing this therapy for the rest of my life. I sleep better w/o gearing up, than I do when I am geared up. I usually remove the gear at about 3 or 4 am. When I initially started, it was easy to sleep geared up all thru the night. I haven't seen a full night's use for some time now. 

My next sleep doc appt. is May 6th. He's not going to be happy with my new feelings and attitude towards the CPAP therapy. It was, and still is, my intention to see two years of SA Therapy. That will be in early September. It's going to be a real challenge!

Obviously, if I felt that it was improving my life to some (any) degree, I'd be much more motivated. It's tough be remain motivated when you don't feel or see an improvement. I know my sleep doc is going to tell me to remain patient and keep at it. But, how many more years would be thought of as fair? 3, 5, maybe 10? 

Just not sure I have what it takes to invest that amount of time............... Dont-know

RE: Compliancy - 70sSanO - 03-04-2020

It is tough to feel good with only 4 hours 7 out of 10 days.

So, what is the least amount of pressure you can run and not get leaks?

Based on where you are, maybe you will be better off with more hours of some therapy than few hours at optimal therapy. Especially if you considering abandoning CPAP completely.



RE: Compliancy - ApneaQuestions - 03-05-2020

There are a couple of reasons for using therapy.
One is to try to get immediate improvement with fatigue and sleep etc. The other is to stave off longer term health risks that might happen if the apnea was left untreated.
Even if you don't feel like you are getting the first benefit... is the second benefit sufficient to keep you motivated?

RE: Compliancy - Osiris357 - 03-05-2020

Big guy for me with the F30 the top strap is critical to prevent leaks. For me the top straps coming off the frame go right around the top of my ears almost touching. Any higher and the angle of the cushion causes uncontrollable leaks. Adjust the top of head strap drastically in both directions and adjust from there. Once you adjust the top, tighten the lower 4 and keep doing that until it stop rocking on your face as you move. I can’t stress the top of head strap enough. It’s what gives the cushion the proper angle for your facial features.

Another obstacle is an unshaven face. For me anymore than 2 days and it’s guaranteed to leak

RE: Compliancy - Big Guy - 03-05-2020

Last night I did rather well. I got a full 7 hrs. and my AHI was 1.2

I put a new F30 cushion on last night and although it did feel a bit different than those before it, I don't recall too many leaks. In regards to shaving, I usually do so most every night. Every once in a while, I'll skip one night. 

In regards to the top strap on my F30, I do believe I have it adjusted as has been suggested. I've yet to experience any short term benefits, but I am also aware of the long term health benefits. 

I suppose that I have some soul searching to do, in regards to this therapy. When I first started it, I was very motivated for a variety of reasons. One being the great advice and support from this forum. I was hoping, that within several months of use, I'd begin to see and feel some degree of improvement. So far, that ship hasn't set sail. 

So now, while I'm waiting for the ship to pull anchor and set out, I'm looking way down the road and into the future. That is kind of daunting. 

I do plan to continue on. I'm going to work on my motivation and see if I can come up with some new inspiration. It helps to run some things past all of you and the responses are always very welcome and appreciated.

RE: Compliancy - Dormeo - 03-05-2020

Big guy, I'm glad you had a better night last night, and I hope nights like that start coming your way more frequently. May I ask, what was your AHI when you were diagnosed with apnea? May I also ask whether you've experimented with other masks?

As with a lot of things, we benefit from thinking less about "I will never again in my life be able to sleep without gear/have a drink/smoke a cigarette/..." and more about "I will wear my gear tonight/not drink today/not smoke today..." I'm certainly not saying it's easy, but are there ways you can redirect your thoughts some?

RE: Compliancy - OpalRose - 03-05-2020

Hi BigGuy,
I don't have too much to add, except this...

Nothing is perfect, we all have our good nights and not so good nights. You state that you sleep better without cpap. I'm wondering how that can be unless you were diagnosed with mild SA, even so...

I know I can't even take a nap without it, as I am jerked awake several times.

Post a screenshot of you daily page. Possibly someone might spot something that will help you adjust better.

As far as masks, yes, that's the hardest part. If your not comfortable, then nothing else works.

RE: Compliancy - Big Guy - 03-05-2020

I had two in-lab sleep studies. I have the reports somewhere here. I do recall being told that my reg. sleep was 70 and my REM sleep was 60. I'm assuming those were the AHI numbers. I was told that I had moderate to severe sleep apnea. 

I'd sure like to post some screen shots up on Oscar, but I'm not all that computer capable. I know enough about computers to get me into trouble, but not enough about them to get me out of trouble. 

When / if I do get a nap in here & there, I do so w/o gearing up. Those naps are blissful for me. So relaxing and restful. No trouble at all falling off to sleep w/o my gear on. 

The only masks that I have tried / used, are the ResMed AirFit F20 and F30. I can't use any kind of a nasal mask, as I simply cannot get enough air via my nose. 

The next time my adult step-son is here, I'll ask him for his help in figuring out to post up some info. on Oscar. He's pretty good at the computer stuff. 

Even though I was diagnosed with moderate to severe SA, I do tend to wonder how much of that assessment was agenda driven? I'm not trying to be difficult in my thinking, but the sleep labs are there for a good reason. 

Anyways, I do thank-you all for the responses, tips, and suggestions. This forum and it's great members are what's keeping me in the game, so to speak. If it wasn't for this forum, I most likely would have discontinued my therapy some time ago.

RE: Compliancy - SarcasticDave94 - 03-05-2020

Do you know if you've got a Windows based PC? This in my thinking, if you're to get OSCAR, it should be installed on the computer you are most likely to post. Why say that? Because if you can post to AB, you're probably familiar enough with that computer to install and run OSCAR on that device.

As I recall, OSCAR install/setup isn't real hard tech-wise. My pointer is when it comes to installing it at a location on the computer, stop to read WHERE it's going. You might actually like to find the program after installing. What I do is at this step, I'm looking for the Browse or similar button to install at a location I choose and therefore I should find it again. This step may include, which is what I do, is create a folder named for the program, and it's going on the drive I want it being saved to (ex. C: D: E: etc.)

I am only suggesting, but I'd give installing OSCAR a good Mil Spec try. The worst isn't a broken PC, but that you probably can't find where OSCAR got installed. Tearing down an M16 blindfolded is probably harder, and I've done both installing OSCAR and blindfolded field dress an M16.

PS go for the OSCAR install. If you get stuck, shout out and somebody can talk you through it.