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Decent AHI and still exhausted - Printable Version

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Decent AHI and still exhausted - PeterP60 - 04-07-2021

Hi all,

I haven't posted in a while because things were going decently. But I've noticed the last couple of months that, although my AHI is regularly under 5 (generally between 3-4), I've been waking up feeling quite un-rested after 7-8 hours of sleep. I don't doubt that this is due in part to the COVID-19 lockdown, general stress levels, and lack of regular exercise due to the closing of gyms / sports facilities, but frankly I'm starting to wonder if my machine and/or mask are acting up. I'm pretty sick of feeling tired during the day - and honestly this takes me back to the days before I started getting treatment for my apnea!

I've posted screenshots of the last 3 days from OSCAR - does anyone mind taking a look and seeing if they have a sense of potential issues? Please let me know if you need any more info, and thanks in advance for the help - my brain and overall productivity are really appreciative of the help!


RE: Decent AHI and still exhausted - Gideon - 04-07-2021

I would try EPR = 1 and see if that helps.
Do note how it feels to you. It should reduce your CA events some

RE: Decent AHI and still exhausted - PeterP60 - 04-07-2021

Hi Gideon,

Thanks for the quick response! Sure, I'll try switching EPR from 2 (currently) to 1 and see if that makes a difference tonight. Will post the results tomorrow!


RE: Decent AHI and still exhausted - PeterP60 - 04-08-2021

Hi again,

Looping back on this with my results! Even though my AHI was higher last night (a few heavier leaks, it seems), I am feeling more rested. OSCAR results attached here. I'll give it a few more nights but hopefully this sticks - thanks for the tip!


RE: Decent AHI and still exhausted - Gideon - 04-08-2021

You are feeling more rested, that is very good. IMHO your CA still is too high.

Try this, EPR=1 for a few days

then try EPR = OFF
Again critically evaluate which feels best.

RE: Decent AHI and still exhausted - PeterP60 - 04-07-2022

Hi again, all!

I'm resurrecting this post from almost exactly a year ago (funny how time works these days). I've attached my Oscar results from the past three days for reference.

Basically, I'm back to where I was about a year ago - I'm pretty happy with my API numbers, but feel like I haven't woken feeling rested in many weeks now. It's starting to wear on me, so I was hoping to post my screenshots and see if anything jumps out at any of you. I'd really appreciate any advice or guidance you can give, because I'm a little stumped - leaks generally seem low, I'm getting what feels like more than enough sleep, but it's getting harder and harder to get out of bed and not start to droop again in the afternoon...

Much appreciated!


RE: Decent AHI and still exhausted - PeterP60 - 05-11-2022

Bump! Apologies if that's against the rules, but I'm still experiencing exhaustion issues despite good AHI results, so I was hoping someone might be able to weigh in with advice based on the screenshots I provided. Thanks very much!