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[Pressure] pressure support philips respironics bipap - Printable Version

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pressure support philips respironics bipap - keithy62 - 11-28-2022

Late at night.This could make more sense::   I have a philips respironics autosv advanced. Enquiring about Epap min and Ipap max  in relation to PS minimum and PS maximum settings. When setting up IPAP and EPAP pressures and then adjusting PS max or PS min up or down it does not effect the Epap min Ipap max settings in clinicians set up menu but alters the  Epap min  or Ipap max that is actually delivered to mask.For example if i set up clinician settings at max ipap max at 17.0.  Epap  min 6.0.   Ipap max 9.0.   PS min  3.5.    PS max  11.0. When going back to main screen I get actual pressure of  Epap min 6.0 and and Ipap max   9.5 which is 0.5  more max Ipap pressure than I dialled in in clinicians settings. At the moment i am using pressure settings of :
Max pressure of 17.0.       6.0 min Epap.   9.0 max Ipap.  PS min  3.5.    PS max  11.0.  which gives me an  actual  pressure delivered of 6.0 min Epap and 9.5 max Ipap
These are the pressures I have set up as am still waiting for appointment with sleep specialist and have been having CSAs and OSAs and did not want to put of using bipap machine until then. My AHI results have been from 0.76  to  2.21 (except for one around 5.15 before using soft neck brace) since being set at pressures around that  mark for the last week or so when on machine. Anyone got any ideas on pressures that could improve this or that some of my settings are of the mark. Any ideas on pressures that may improve my results would be greatly appreciated. I have no idea what PS support min or max should be set at.  Pressure support min or maximums  can alter the actual pressures delivered.Any ideas on what PS min and maximum should be and any advice would be appreciated. Can add some graphs from Oscar if needed.I use a soft neck coller to help OSAs,Thanks in anticipation.

RE: pressure support philips respironics bipap - Rich66 - 11-28-2022

The EPAP Min and EPAP Max are adjustable by you. The IPAP Min and Max are not adjustable by you -- it is done through the PS Min and Max.

EPAP Min 4.0 EPAP Max 9.0 PS Min 2.0 PS Max 8.0 results in IPAP Min 6.0 IPAP Max 17.0.
IF your actual machine EPAP pressure is 5.6 at one particular point, then at that point, your IPAP will be IPAP Min 7.6, IPAP Max 13.6.
The EPAP iis in control == the PS adds to create the the IPAP at the point of actual EPAP.

PS is pressure support.

It would be easier to give advice with an Oscar report. I use BIPAP as apparently you do also. Once you get the hang of it, it's not bad to work with -- unless a sleepy head makes math difficult.
My opinion, set your EPAP's and PS settings in my first example, try it, then post results. I've used the PR BIPAP before, but now use Resmed, but you'll get help when people can look at your stats and graphs. Read up on how to post results in the section to help new people.

On a side note, you are aware of the Phillips recall of a lot of their equipment.