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Would You Modify Your Equipment, If You Heard It Worked? - Printable Version

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Would You Modify Your Equipment, If You Heard It Worked? - Dreamcatcher - 03-14-2012

Over the past few years I have heard of many looney things that some people have done to aquire a 0.0 AHI. Some of these practises have had people engaging in DANGEROUS techneques like Taping up oneself and blocking vents etc. I am always interested in what people do to achieve their goal but is it really worth it when all you need to do to be compliant is get your AHI below 5, what do you think.

I have modified my equipment by adding earplugs to my headgear so I can listen to music instead of hissing air.

RE: Would You Modify Your Equipment, If You Heard It Worked? - SuperSleeper - 03-14-2012

(03-14-2012, 09:51 AM)Gazby Wrote: I have modified my equipment by adding earplugs to my headgear so I can listen to music instead of hissing air.

That type of mod is fine... but blocking vent ports is dangerous and can cause CO2 build up.

I voted 'no' because of that. Smile

RE: Would You Modify Your Equipment, If You Heard It Worked? - PaulaO2 - 03-14-2012

I don't consider taping one's lips to be equipment modification. I do consider it extreme, however. I have a condition that makes my skin sensitive to adhesives and the idea of tape on my lips and mouth makes me ill. Then there's the waking up in a panic when the power goes off but unable to open my mouth the breathe thing. (shudder)

I have modified headgear. A hose went in an odd direction and I moved it and used a strip of hook-and-loop to affix it where it worked better for me. I've gone into the clinicians menu to make changes but I don't see me doing anything other than that. CO2 scares me.

RE: Would You Modify Your Equipment, If You Heard It Worked? - greatunclebill - 03-14-2012

i just do not get the part where people would say that they would do or consider doing something involving breathing that they they know is dangerous. i don't get that at all. bounce back to the other poll, this is exactly why cpap's should remain a prescription item. if they have a prescription, requiring one wouldn't stop them. true that. but...... people with this mentality would be the ones buying one and modifying it whether they need it or not if a prescription was not required. it's dangerous taking a bath with a toaster too. i hope none of them consider, or heaven forbid, try that. after all, they said they will do or consider doing known dangerous things.

i don't consider mouth taping as an equipment modification. i'll hold my comments on that one.

i also do not consider a clip for the hose or earplugs as equipment modification. they are add-on's that do not affect the operation of the machine and are in fact good ideas.

i am completely against any equipment modification or add-on that alters or changes the scope of the flow of air or the water in the humidifier or the water and air quality.

RE: Would You Modify Your Equipment, If You Heard It Worked? - PollCat - 03-14-2012

I can't believe any sane person would even consider modifying their _PAP equipment. It was all designed to perform a specific function(s) and is not an "erector-set" to be played with by the users. If you are having issues (other than pressure) with your machine and/or masks, it behooves you to work with your doctor and DME to arrive at a solution that you can live with.

It's your life we are talking about here, why would you intentionally mess with it? Loco

RE: Would You Modify Your Equipment, If You Heard It Worked? - iSnooze - 03-14-2012

I'm just not brazen enough to even try to modify my equipment. I wouldn't want to tinker with anything that affects something as vital as breathing. If I thought my doctor was incompetent and/or I hadn't reduced my AHIs then I might since my insurance won't pay for another sleep study for quite some time, I might consider changing my pressure but I don't need to.

My experience with the sleep study (less than comfortable sleeping the first night), with the diagnosis, with the DME and the DME technician have all been positive and comforting. I have no reason to modify the equipment.

I wonder if those people who do modifier their equipment had terrible experiences and are not seeing any results.

RE: Would You Modify Your Equipment, If You Heard It Worked? - zonk - 03-14-2012

I,m not suggesting one should tamper with CPAP equipment but however its the people who defy the accepted wisdom usually comes up with new discoveries whether in science, medicine, etc...

Here is story of Noble prize winner an Australian doctor named Barry Marshall who did just that proved that stomach ulcers is not caused by stress and spicy food and is treatable by anti biotic and used himself as a guinea-pig also he was met with skepticism from the medical community when he presented his findings.

RE: Would You Modify Your Equipment, If You Heard It Worked? - Schnauzers 5 - 03-14-2012

I only adjusted my ramp awake pressure on my former machine. I would not try changing the new machine;rather I'd ask to "up" my ramp pressure from 7 to 9. I have a good enough range as is when it titrates when I am sleeping. No, I would not do that and my AHI is under 5 and as good as it gets, so doc has said. As long as I can get up and function, I won't change or ask to change anything. Some days I have energy and want to deep clean the house. Last Sunday was such a floor washing day etc.

RE: Would You Modify Your Equipment, If You Heard It Worked? - oldteddybear - 03-14-2012

I have a good enough relationship with my doctor/supplier that they will make changes for me within the bounds that the doctor had agreed upon. Yes I do have the capability to do it on my own, but would rather have someone else know where things are at in case of any problems.

RE: Would You Modify Your Equipment, If You Heard It Worked? - Dreamcatcher - 03-15-2012

Not sure why you dont think that taping ones mouth is not a Modification? You arnt going to tape your mouth unless you have your mask on so it is kind of a modification just like wearing a chin strap. Is it also ok to knock these people, tell them they are stupid then go out and speed in your car? I come from the school of whatever floats your boat as long as you know the conciquences if something goes wrong. I know lots of people do this but being a fullface masker I dont understand the point of it.